Last supper

Just had the ‘last supper’ (accompanied by a large amount of Dutch Courage ready for tomorrow. No food or drink after midnight? Gremlins springs to mind. Should be home late afternoon. Still not sure whether I will have drains or lymph nodes will be removed for testing but will make sure they tell me what is going to happen before the op so that I know what to expect when I come round from the anaesthetic - I do have to sign a consent form after all.
Good Luck to anyone else out there who is in the same position, especially June (Fruitcake1), and thanks to all the friends on this site who have supported us.
Hope to be in touch again tomorrow with an update - my right arm will need the therapy !
Love Maddy x

Okay - so I’m a bit late with the update - I have been contributing to other people’s pages and forgot I’d started this thread!

Had a really weepy day yesterday (Thursday - surgery was Tuesday). I’d developed an allergic reaction to the hospital pressure dressing - a very tasteful range of itchy, watery, fragile blisters, so I rang the District Nurse for advice. Usual abrasive attitude from the receptionist reduced me to tears!!! Definitely not my usual style. District Nurse came to visit and helped remove all the dressings - what a relief - I really wasn’t looking forward to doing it by myself anyway. She says crying is quite a normal reaction after general anaesthetic so I don’t feel such a wuss now.

Slightly surprised to disover that my wound isn’t where my consultant said it would be, I was planning a range of Adam Ant stripes to cover the scar but it’s around my nipple, not across my breast, and despite the bruising and swelling my breast is not obviously ‘damaged’, just slightly dented - now I’m praying that it’s good news on October 4th !

hi MaddyW,
Hope your feeling a bit more comfortable now…your not a wuss…a good cry does you good, and we all have plenty of tearful times through this journey.
Hope you get the new you want on the 4th.

karen x

Good luck Maddyw, hope your news is good, keeping everything crossed for you. Regards Mara xx

OK - I Lied !

It wasn’t the Last Supper !

Got to go through the same again next Tuesday because they didn’t get a clear enough margin !!!

Suppose I should be grateful for small mercies - no need for placement of wires, breast to be squashed, waiting for the machine to break down again etc etc and the consultant did say that the area already removed was on the verge of needing a mastectomy - 5.5cms as opposed to the 4cms they were expecting - at least he’s only planning to take a bit more rather than the lot !!! Then all I have to look forward to is radiotherapy and tablets - and the birth of our first grandchild at the beginning of December

Thanks for caring

Maddy x

Have to apologise for the total gibberish at the end of the last message - when I preview the text I can see the emoticon - but when I publish it it turns back to rubbish!!!

Technologically illiterate - sorry !

Maddy x