Late RT effects

Late RT effects

Late RT effects I have reposted this on behalf of KateG
Kind regards
BCC Host

Hi again
Following on from my panic about IBC I find myself still in the same place. Red swollen breast with peau d’orange skin. I was so stressed over Christmas that my husband decided to pay for me to see the surgeon who did my op in 2003.
I told him my concerns about having symptoms that are present in IBC but he told me in his opinion the symptoms looked like radiation damage. That was three and a half years ago I said. Doesn’t matter he said. So I spoke to my breast care nurse and she said it was quite possible for this to happen. When I asked what I was supposed to do about it she said that ‘trunkal’ lymphodema was difficult to treat but that I could go along to the breast clinic and she would try massage. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I like this forever?

Kate I’ve got peau d’orange , pink line and two sizes larger boob. Onc confirmed it was lymph accumulating so asked to see Lymphoedema Nurse. It was not RT damage because I refused to have breast RT due to lung damage from RT other side, so only had axillary RT.
Lympho Nurse showed me how to massage lymph away and though I’m not good at it the pink line has stopped rising and the boob size is decreasing. Your Breast Care Nurse will refer you to Lympho Nurse if you ask.
You may be better at it than me and get back to normal pronto- best wishes, dilly

To Dilly Thanks for that Dilly. I have an appointment at lymphoedema clinic on the 18th. The breast care nurse said that massage doesn’t usually work well on the breast but that it was worth a try. When I told my GP what the consultant had said he seemed to think he couldn’t help any further so I don’t know where things go from here. I also have lung damage from RT but I wasn’t aware of all the other things that can result from it. Still I know things could be much worse and I think myself lucky that this is all I have to cope with.
Best wishes to you too Dilly. Thanks for replying.