Lay referral: the influence of adult relationships in illness and health

What is the study?  

This study aims to explore people’s perceptions of illness, how people’s adult relationships influence whether they speak to someone about their bodily changes or illness symptoms, and if so who they speak with.

We are also interested in whether these relationships and the people spoken to affect people’s decision to seek professional healthcare advice or not. 

Who is organising it?  

This online study is being conducted by Emma Campbell from Bangor University and is a Tenovus, KESS2 and ESF funded project. 

What’s the criteria for taking part?

The study is open to people who are over 18 years of age and have experienced any bodily changes or illness symptoms (such as: a cold or flu, cough, headaches, physical aches or pains, stomach ache, sickness, bleeding, lumps or any other changes) in the last 3 months.

This study is open to all and is not a study of, and for, only those affected by cancer, but a study to help us understand how people’s perceptions of bodily changes and relationships influence healthcare seeking behaviour. 

What do I need to do?

If you’d like to take part or read more information, visit

When is the deadline?
The closing date is at the start of October.