LD flap and drains

I had mastectomy and immediate Ld reconstruction. This morning I was sent home with two drains. I am just really worried about how painful it will be when they take the drains out. Does it really hurt??

Hi Molliana,

I hate it when hospitals send you home with drains, do you have to go back to the ward to get them removed or will the district nurse come in to do it for you? It is honestly not as sore as you think, although sometimes they suggest you take a couple of painkillers beforehand, but given your surgery I am sure you are on plenty medication anyway - you should always take a deep breath when asked to do so. It’s a weird sensation of them coming out, but not necessarily a sore one. You will just be glad to be rid of them really so think about it as a positive move. Compared to a MX and LD flap it is nothing in the great scheme of things. Hope you are resting and recovering well - don’t do too much, and no lifting stuff!

Take care

K M x

The district nurse is going to come every day to empty them. I have only scparacetamol from the hospital and ibuprofen! Lucky I stocked up on some zapain from the gp beforehand! But I don’t have any pain at the moment to be honest.
Thank you for your advice. I will take some zapain before they come. One drain may be left in for a week and I guess that will be removed at my results appointment next week.

I came home with one drain after a WLE/Lymph node removal last month. Had it in for about a week. I saw the breast care nurse in the hospital who took it out. Having the stitches removed was slightly uncomfortable, but I didn’t feel the drain itself being removed at all. And it was such a relief to no longer be a bag lady!



Would reiterate what KM said, the thought is worse than the reality. Make sure you take a deep breath when they ask & it’s out in a second. I had six post-op & although it felt odd it was more of a relief to see them gone!!

Hi, In my experience it is an odd sensation rather than painful - I had 3 and the 2 nurses that remove them had a different technique!! the rip it out quick one and the slower approach!! A bit like knocking your funny bone…
But the upside is the relief of getting it our is definitely worth it!! I had stood on one of mine several times in the ten days I had it… then I thre the handbag I had it in across the bed as I usually would forgtting I was attached to it at a v tender spot just above my pelvis - I didn’t do it again!!! Good luck they are hideous things and only someone else who has done it… will get it XX

Hi Molliana, I came home with 2 drains having had the other 2 out before discharge. I’d heard that it was painful but actually it was more uncomfortable and a strange sensation. And I defiantly agree with those that have said to look at the positive, getting rid of them is such a relief!!! Good luck with your recovery and try not to worry! Xx

Thank you. They took one out today. Massive aren’t they!? It wasn’t really painful although I noticed I was having a bit of a stress so was properly sweating while trying to breathe! But it was fine :slight_smile: And my god what a relief! I am fine with the one in my back but the one in the front was really irritating.
I was astounded when she said i had to have it emptied into one of my jugs though so she could measure it!! I dunno what is going on with the nhs where they can’t even supply those drain bags and instead I have to use a jug from my kitchen! When I went in for my op they had no beds on the ward so i was admitted to Maternity and had my op there! Lovely for me as I had a four bed ward to myself and my own nurse but even so. Ho hum!

It genuinely doesn’t hurt at all. They told me to cough, which I did and the drains were out. It not only doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t feel sore or feel peculiar. I was worried sick the first time.