ld flap how long in hospital

Hi due to go in on weds for reconstruction. Had bilateral mastectomy Oct last year and had one side reconstructed using LD method and implant but due to radiotherapy did not have other side done. Implant had to come out due to infection so on Weds i am having implant put in on one side and full LD and implant on other, can any of you ladies out there tell me how long i should expect to be in hospital.
Many thanks

Hi Sandra

I was in for 7 days both times, but I did have mastectomy at the same time, so you may be a bit less. Also my drains were a bit slow to reduce so that kept me in for a day or two extra.

Hope all goes well.

Hi, Thanks for replying I was in 6 days last time but my consultant said that the earliest anyone has gone home after this is Fri and if i feel well enough i can go home then or sometime over the weekend but i think that’s being too optimistic. I know i was not well enough last time but i did have bilateral mast with recon on one side so maybe that’s why. Anyway will soon see as its tomorrow.
Thanks again
Love Sandra