LD Flap Mastectomy - how long in hospital BRCA1

Hello all

I am due to have bi lateral risk reducing mastectomies with LD Flap reconstruction next week. :frowning:

Very scared…

Can anyone tell me how long they were in hospital for please? and what the recovery was like.

Thanks all


Hello Crystal

I had mastectomy with immediate LD reconstruction almost 5 years ago, just one side. I was surprised how little pain there was, more discomfort and I was in hospital for a week.

Afterwards I had to attend hospital once a week for six weeks to have seroma drained from my back but other than that recovery went well and I was out and about after a couple of weeks, did not drive for a while though.

I can understand why you are scared its a big operation, hope all goes well for you.

Best wishes.


Had mx, anc, and ld flap in feb. In hospital for 6 days, three drains were probably the most uncomfortable bit. Also had seroma drained 8 times over 9 weeks. Didn’t drive for 3 weeks. Hope all goes well for you. X

I had a LD Flap Mastectomy almost a year ago. I was in hospital 6 days and didn’t have much pain mostly discomfort. I only needed paracetamol as pain relief. I had two drains but they were removed before I went home. I had an appointment with the surgeon less than a week later and the only problem I had was that one of the stitches became a little bit inflamed but it soon sorted itself out. Good luck with the op. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Hi Crysal
I had a delayed LD recon on 31st March this year which was a Wednesday. Came out of hospital on the Sunday lunchtime. Has 1 drain which came out on the Saturday.
A couple of tips. Get a V shaped pillow and take it with you to hospital and when you get home a satin fitted sheet on your bed will help you to move around much easier.
Best of luck
Sue xxxxx

I had a MX and LD flap on 8th July. Was in hospital 6 days and had 1 drain for that time. Had morphine pump and Oxygen for 1 to 2 days. was unlucky to get reaction to dressing which was the worst bit for me and quite unusual. The operation site has not been at all painful mainly because it was fairly numb. i suppose this is because there are no nerves there to start with and I believe they grow back later. For a while it felt like I had a rolled up newspaper under my arm and a big fist clutching my breast (as my neighbour said - ‘not all bad then!’)

As others have said - fluid tends to collect at the back where the muscle is missing so I have to have it drained which is a bit of a nuisance but quite fascinating in a way.

i drove after 3 weeks but could have before - take your time on that if poss especially as its both sides. This morning I cut my hair which involves getting my arm up quite high so movement is back fine already.

Try not to be too scared. It seems that everyone says its not as bad as you imagine and I hope this is so for you. It certainly was for me and I amazed everyone who came to visit. We all expect the worst including our friends.

Good luck

Pam x