Hi there…has anyone had an LD (Latissimus Dorsi) flap reconstruction…if so you may be able to answer a few questions that I have please?
Hi Debcully,
i had a LD flap reconstruction 5 years ago, unfortunately not a great success for me, have been left with constant back pain, also slightly lopsided my feeling are this needs a great deal of looking into, however maybe I was just unlucky. My consultant really pushed me to have LD FLAP thinking it was the best option at the time.
I also understand that Guys hospital don’t carry out this surgery anymore.
Wishing you lots of luck, health and happiness. Hugs Tili ??
- Hi, I haven’t posted on here before but have found it really helpful for information over the last few months. I had the LD flap reconstruction in September 2020 and all is pretty good so far. I’m happy to try and help with your questions. It was a really difficult decision as it was looking like a mastectomy was my only option, but I then saw a different surgeon who thought the LD procedure was an option, and I’m glad with hindsight that I went down that route.
Hi Joskyblue i was just reading your thread and i know this is an old post, but i was just wondering how you are feeling now after the Ld flap reconstruction? I had a failed diep 3 years ago and now due to have a Ld flap on left side on Friday. Feeling worried about it, but this is my only option other than staying flat. Such a difficult decision all round. Any advise you could offer would be really helpful. Thank you