LD flap, Tram flap or Diep flap. 33 yrs old with 3 small kiddies

I am new to this so I appologise.
My question is what is recovery like with these ops? My surgen is pushing the LD flap with small implants. I am not too fussed where the fat etc comes from my concern is recovery time.
I have 3 small children 4 yrs, 2 yrs and my baby will be 1 on 27th April. I need/want to be able to do as much as possible and as quick as possible. I have restricted movement in the right arm with having a total clearence (can not fully extend) so worried the LD flap will make it worse. This is the only one my surgen performs so if I choose another then I have to go to a bigger hospital.
He said that there are less complications with the LD flap and with the others you are more likely to need more surgery.
I have read the book and info given to me but would like to hear from people who have been through these ops to tell me how they felt and what were they able to do.
Thank you very much
Emma x

Still waiting for mine but thought I’d bump this up for you so it gets on 'latest ’ page.
Good luck,
Gaynor xx

bumpety bump

Hi, I had a mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction. The recovery is tough but doable. I was in hospital just under a week and was driving again in 5 weeks I think. You can’t lift your arm for a couple of weeks after. I am a horse rider and I had my surgery Oct 2011, I was riding again by Christmas. It was definitely the best choice for me. Good luck if you have any specific questions just drop me a pm.

Hi Emma
I had a DIEP reconstruction in February 2012. I was in hopsital for 5 days. I would say the first 2 weeks is the worst and I was pretty much living on ibuprofen, codeine and paracetamol to keep the pain at bay. I found the stomach area to cause me the most discomfort and I found it difficult to move around at first. But, I was driving and back to work after 6 weeks.
It’s not the easiest operation, but 1 year on, I’m pretty much back to full physical health (mainly due to my laziness). I even went skiing in February of this year, which is why I chose the DIEP over the LD Flap, because I was advised that you can lose some strength in your arm.
Regarding the comment by your surgeon, I was actually given different information to that. With the LD flap, I was told that I would need more surgery and probably need implants. And due to that, they would need to be replaced periodically. I have only needed the one operation - the size of my reconstructed breast is pretty similar to my normal breast (albeit a little more pert, after 3 children!!). But, I am very happy with what has been achieved - plus I got myself a little tummy-tuck in the process :slight_smile:
I hope helps you some xxx

Hi Emma,
I had a Tram Flap at the end of October last year. I am really please with the result, but I have to say it was quite
debilitating for several weeks. I have grown up children, a retired hubby and a very active (if elderly) mother so was waited on hand and foot. I needed help to get in and out of bed and the shower for at least two weeks. Once I was in bed I was like an upturned tortoise for many a week. I think its about 6 weeks before you are allowed to sleep on your side and it certainly took me nearly this long before I could turn over! I started driving after 6 weeks, but it did put a bit of a strain on my tummy. Its only been in the last week or so that my tummy has started to feel more normal. I do still feel tired, but returned to full time work in January, so its to be expected I suppose and the hospital team tell me it takes nine months to a year to feel you are back to normal.
I don’t want to put you off this choice as I am very happy with how it all went and the finished result, but as you have small children I suppose it will need more careful consideration than someone in my position.
Whatever option you choose, I wish you the very best.
Ann x

Hi, I had an LD flap 4 weeks ago. I went in on the Wednesday and came home Saturday morning. I can’t honestly say I have been in pain, perhaps just a little uncomfortable but I did take the pain killers to be safe. I came home with the drains in, 2 bottles, the size of lucozade sport and carried them around for about a week before they were removed. You may find this a bit awkward if you are looking after the children but my hospital gave me shoulder bags to put them in. All my dressings have been removed now, the last one about a week ago. I am really pleased with the shape of my new breast. You won’t be allowed to lift your arm above shoulder height for 6 weeks or lift anything on that side heavier than a bag of sugar. I have a broken femur and am also walking around with one crutch but I feel really well. Hope this helps a bit. xxx

Hi Emma. I had a Mx and an immediate Ld backflap with implant. I am52 size 38c and have 2 knee replacements Now 6 years oLd. I am active and walk my two collies 1 hour every day longer at weekend and go to the gym 3 -4 times a week so like you I wanted the quickest recovery option. I was thinking implants myconsultant suggested ld as ths would give me the best result and needed only 1 major op. the op did take 9 hours I was in hospital for 6 days! 4 drains all were removed before I left the hospital. Your arm movement is restricted for 6 weeks so button through tops are essential. I was driving at 6 weeks, back to work at 10 weeks i am a part time teacer. I have just had my 12 week check up and I can honestly say I am very nearly back to normal. My new boob looks great, my shape is brill and I am really pleased with the result. the best choice fOr me. I will be having the nipple recon and my first tattoo later in the year. Good luck with you op and decision. If you need any more information pease pm me or post. Xxxxxx