LD recon + reduction - HELP

Hi Linbo I’m sure your reduced boob will fill out a bit - mine has - and I am 4 weeks post op now. It still feels strange and the T-shaped scar underneath is still red and weeping.

I was told to keep some sort of support on 24 hours a day.

I had the blisters too - more scars to run with oil and hope they fade!

Some days I think I regret having the LD, and others I quite like my new boob. I’m hoping it will grow on me - I saw my surgeon again yesterday and he said that after I have finished my chemo and rads he will do a minor adjustment under local.

Take care

Hi Neenie I did see your earlier post, but as I am only 4 weeks post op and, to be honest, a bit up and down and I did not want to be too negative.

As you may have read, both Linbo and I had the other side reduced at the same time. This has been quite hard to get over - I think I had prepared myself for losing my affected boob but not for the adjustment to the ‘good’ one.

Have they said that they can match the 32DD with the recon? The recon will seem a lot bigger to start with and does take quite a while to settle down. I had an implant as well, but some people have the tissue expanding implant. Also I have been advised by surgeon and BC nurse that recon is not usually just one op - there may be other smaller ‘tweeks’ required to get to the finish.

The back scar should be hidden by bra/bikini strap, so swimming would be no problem. You do get a tightness as they have taken skin, but I am told with exercises this will lessen. I have not noticed any difference with the muscle gone - but I think its things like tennis and push ups that this muscle is needed for and I do neither.

You do initially lose some movement in the arm and again with exercises I am told this will return. You sound quite fit so I am sure you will getting back to normal quickly!

I have been told to avoid swimming, jacuzzi etc for a while, but after an op suppose that is just common sense.

Well Neenie, I hope I have not put you off. I have received mails from others on this site who are much further down the line than me and are very happy with the recon. I have been able to go out and buy a bra ‘off the peg’ and have lots of pretty designs to chose from - when I was 38F I was always frustrated that the one I wanted did not go up to my size!


Thanks Anita x x Thanks for helping to put my mind at ease and putting it back into perspective.

I had just had a breast enlargement from a 32A to a 32DD using silicone implants that cost me nearly £4000, 6 months later when I was just getting used to them and loved them I found I had breast cancer and had to have one of them removed. Gosh I was angry LOL although my surgeon was very thoughtful and when I woke up from the mastectomy, he handed me my implant that he had removed wrapped in a bag, dont exactly know what for but I suppose it was worth nearly £2000 so I decided to make good use of it as a stress ball. Works very well LOL.

Problem is if I had not had the boob job I wouldnt be having such a hard time hiding my mastectomy LOL.

I think they will have to change the implant to a different shape in my good boob(there goes the other £2000 so if you know of anyone needing a stress ball tell them I will have one going spare very soon LOL). I am hoping they wont have to reduce the size but Im far to scared to ask because knowing my luck I wont like the answer.

I suppose I will just go for it and hope for the best.

Hugs Neenie x x

Hi Neenie

What an awful thing to happen! It must be extra hard for you to make a decision now.

Do you think they would do alterations to your good side on the NHS? I would think you have a good argument for getting it done. Or are you a private patient?

I would be inclined to just have the recon first and see how it turns out (size and shape) before any possible surgery to the other side. I sometimes think that is what I should have done, but wanted to get it all done at once.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.


Hi Beverley I am interested to know about your nipple reconstruction as I know this is a decision I have to make after chemo and rads are finished.
Did you have your nipple reconstructed immediately, or a separate op later on? What did they use?

Have they suggested putting an implant into your good smaller side? That might be an option - and they could give it a ‘lift’ so that the nipple sits higher in line with the recon side.

I was always larger on my recon side before this anyway and most of the extra is under my arm at the moment - my partner tells me it does not look noticeably bigger with my clothes on!


Hi Anita
They did the nipple reconstruction at the same time as the breast reconstruction which is not what usually happens it’s normally done at a later date. I had an immediate recon so they removed the nipple and did the op through the hole that was left so my tummy that was cut out shows through that hole, even the stretch marks! - strangely comforting, they then used that tummy skin to make a nipple unfortunately part of it failed hence it looks like it wants to look over my shoulder. He has said that he will try and adjust what is there but if he can’t he will start all over again. I know they can take skin from the top of the leg, they can also take it from the other nipple but it can affect sensations in that nipple so I don’t want that. They can also take it from the labia and I have ruled that one out for definate!
Another plastic surgeon who helped at my op has been trying out sucking out the fat from your bottom and putting it into the other breast to make it bigger, a wonderful idea as far as I was concerned!, but my surgeon is very conservative and says that it isn’t recommended for breast cancer patients. He was still hopeful that the breast was still swollen when I last saw him and that it would go down, it may have done a little but not much. I will question him more when I see him and see if there is anything else to be done.
Wow I seem to have gone on forever. Hope everything goes well in your treatment and your reconstruction.

Update Hi everyone, well its nearly 4 weeks since I started this post so thought I would give you an update. It was so great to hear from you all, those that are going through it at the same time as me, those who are years down the line - thanks.

Well things have settled down a lot. I have had retail therapy today - got a couple of bras from M&S - alas not very exciting but comfy and supportive. The swelling on my recon boob has gone down a lot but I still find it heavy. I expect I will have some sort of corrective surgery after chemo and rads, but you never know I might be more attached to it as it is by then! My reduced boob has plumped out nicely and is perfect.

So I got 38D and it fits both boobs! They are different shapes but hey thinks thats pretty good just over 5 weeks post op.

Then clothes - that was not so easy! I used to be quite in proportion (well, big all over) but now I am smaller on top I am not sure what to wear. And all I can see is my large tum - all this sitting around for 5 weeks and I have put on weight - where before if I looked down all I could see was my boobs! I got a couple of tops and some trousers (had to go up a size - best get out walking next week!).

Thanks again for helping me - it certainly is a very emotional time, and I hope you are all coping Ok - it’s good to have some sunshine.

Anita x

Hope everyone else

Hi Anita. Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better about everything and had some retail therapy. I’m 4 weeks post op today so it’s great to read how you are doing a week ahead.

I shouldn’t be complaining at all as I have no further treatment to come, unlike you and many others, mine was purely in case the DCIS progressed into something worse but sometimes I feel I have been mutilated, for want of a better word, just in case but common sense tells me I couldn’t take the risk and I am so lucky compared to some may others.

My reduced size is softer but still a lot wider than fuller, the recon side still very hard. I haven’t tried bras yet as my recon side still has to be pumped up but i may have a go. I know what you mean about the belly. When I was first up and around after the op I was sure it was gas or something but now realise it’s always been there, just hidden by the big boobs! Not sure what sort of tops to get to suit now but thats a small problem. (no pun intended) I have been trying to get a couple of 45 min walks a day in since the last week but afraid when I sit down the eating starts.

I’m not seeing the plastic surgeon until the 23rd so I am still off work as the breast nurse said to check with him altho I feel I would be ok. Still best make the most of it.

Please keep in touch and I wish you all the best for your further treatment.

Love Linda xx