leaking through scar

I had a masectomy and partial node clearance four weeks ago. The scar seemed to heal quickly and I came home after six days, as 13 out of 17 nodes tested were affected I am due to have full node clearance next Thursday. I had fluid removed twice once 200ml. then 275ml. I woke up Monday night to find a soaking wet bed the fluid was pouring out for several hours. I saw the GP. on Tues and he removed a further 90ml. prescribed Antibiotics and dressed scar which had broken down for abou two inches. Now have it packed and dressed every day as wound keeps opening up further. I now have to see Surgeon Monday to see if can go ahead with Surgery on Thurs. I hope I can as I want to get it over with and have booked Kennels for my thrre dogs. Has anyone else had flooding through scar. Sorry for such a long moan.


Hi Val

Whilst you wait for your fellow forum users to reply to your post you may find it useful to read the Breast Cancer Care booklet called ‘Your operation and recovery’.
It can be found at the following link:-


I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards

Breast Cancer Care

Hi Val - don’t worry about the ‘long moan’ That is what we are here for.

I had a lumpectomy last March and woke up in the night is a similar state, soggy pajama top etc. not so nice. You may laugh but I ended up taping a sanitary towel over the dressing to soak up the gloop. The District nurse put something like a colostomy bag over the leaky bit which collected the fluid while allowing the wound to drain. Must confess I felt a lot less sore once the bubble burst so to speak - I think it was the reduction in pressure. Healed up again very quickly after that. Fortunately I was infection free which you are obviously not. It can all get a bit scary!!

Hope yours heals up fast - it must be hard having to part with your dogs.

anyway thinking of you - goodluck with it all - Swanie