Left breast dent

Hi, it is been over a week now and I cant stop thinking even after seeing my family doctor. It is been a month that I have been
having a reocurring lump in my left underarm that comes and goes. When it comes it starts with pain under the arm than no pain at all just a lump. The lump stays for 4 to 5 days than it dissappear. This month it happened 3 times. This week I have developed a new symptom that there is a dent on my left breast. The dent is obvious when my arms arerelaxed, down on my hips and it is more clear when my arms are on my hips and pushed against. It disappear when I raise my arm up. All the discussions that I have read is that the dent is more clear when the arm is raised, but mine goes away when my arms are raised. I am feeling a little bit of pain at my breast, I am not sure that if this pain is real or I am just more stressed and is happening because I have been thinking about it. My family doctor said because there are no lump under it it is not cancer, but I read lots of stories about cancer that didnt cause a lump. Also my wbc for the first time and neutrophils are low 3.5 and 1300. Could it be cancer? Should I get a second opinion? Or should I wait for any changes? Also the denton m skin looks a little dark, but when I raise my arms it disappears and the skin looks like a light color patch on my skin and not a dent.Could it be a stretch mark and not a dent? Also today I think that I saw another small dent by the one I have. I am sorry for my long post. I have attached 1 picture, if not allowed please delete. Does it looks like a dent with discoloration or stretch mark

Thank you

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Could you ask to have a mammogram to put your mind at rest?


Balchick, Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I asked but my doctor said I need to wait for any changes because I am not 40 yet.

I’ve just been diagnosed with ER+ breast cancer at 39 - I was referred by my GP to the breast clinic despite being told I was ‘too young’ and it was probably benign as I told him it was not normal for me & I was worried.
The consultant agreed it ‘felt benign’ and asked for an ultra-sound - they did that, the everyone started acting very strange and mammograms & biopsies have confirmed it is a cancer. Push for referral if you are concerned - most changes will not be cancer, but don’t accept the ‘it’s not worrying because you’re too young’ line. Younger women get breast cancer. Go back, tell your GP you want a referral to the breast clinic and get it checked.


Hi sky

Thanks for posting on our forum

We hope to be able to respond to you on Monday.

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Ask Our Nurses service co-ordinator

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Hi, Amyj, i am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank you for taking the time and replying to my post. May I ask if you found was a lump or dent? I think I will go back to my doctor and ask for refferal for peace of mind.

Hi, thank you so much for accepting me and accepting my post. I would greaty appreciate it if I can get a response on Monday.

Of course you can - Mine was a lump.
But I would have been equally alarmed by a dent & wanted that investigating too.
Go get your peace of mind in that referral - best of luck!

I will push for a referral and thank you again for replying to my post.

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This is from BCN website, it isn’t just a lump that you can find for bc so if I was you I would push for a referral to a breast clinic. Ask to see another GP in your surgery or ask to see a GP at another surgery.


It is always worth seeing a breast specialist for any changes.



Thank you so much for sharing the link with me and thank you for replying to my post :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am convinced that I need to schedule another appoinment with my doctor to ask for a referral for an ultrasound.


Hi @sky,
I’m sorry you’re going through such a worrying time. I would definitely get a second opinion, based on the fact that you’re concerned, if nothing else. Hopefully everything is fine, but if not, at least you’ll be getting it sorted. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March (at age 39), after going to the GP about a change in appearance in my right breast (a sort of dent). None of the professionals I saw were particularly concerned, but referred me, and after ultra sounds, mammograms, biopsies and an MRI, it was discovered that I had two tumours in my right breast. I have been very fortunate in that it is all sorted now, hasn’t spread etc. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction in May, am taking Tamoxifen and will have three weeks of radiotherapy next month. If you feel like something isn’t right, if things look different etc, definitely get it checked.
Wishing you all the best and let us know how you get on when you can x


Hi Dorri, i am sorry that you have go through this and i hope that you have full recovery. Thank you for your reply to my post. I feel that I need contact my doctor on Monday and will ask for more tests to get sort.

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Hi @sky I had lobular BC and didn’t have a lump. My nipple was funny looking like dented/inverted and the whole areola went up. I will definitely ask for a ultrasound…better than a mammogram in my opinion…no way I am going to wait to see further changes…you need to act now!!!

Good luck and take care. Xx

Hi, I am sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with breast cancer. I am
more convinced now that I need to get further testing. Thank you for relpying to my post.

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As others have said I would push for a second opinion and a referral at least for an ultrasound. I was diagnosed at 39 with breast cancer after initially being told by my GP that because there wasn’t a lump it wasn’t concerning. I presented with a dent but unlike yours mine was more visible when I raised my arms (in fact I found mine when I was taking a sports bra off over my head). I got a very apologetic phone call back from my docs once I was diagnosed so I think they knew they’d ballsed up!
I know we’re all recommending to get yourself a second opinion but at the same time do try not to be alarmed as more often than not these things can just be put down to hormone fluctuations. I’ve had two people come to me since I’ve been diagnosed who have been referred for lumps and bumps to be checked and they are fine. But if you are at all concerned that what you’re experiencing doesn’t feel right you should absolutely advocate for further investigation.

P.S. if you get to see the same GP again I’d also explain to them politely that cancer can impact any one at any age and breast cancer does not always present as a lump. Maybe refer them to this site too for a bit of further education :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi, i am sorry to heat that you go through this and that you hsve been diagnosed with breast cancer. Can I ask you if you had any other symtoms than a dent? And if you did how fast did you develop symptoms after noticing your dent? My pcp said it is not cancer and she is not concerned because there is no lump under the dent and that the when I raise my arms it is diappear and there is only like a discolored patch on my skin. She said if it was cancer it will be noticeable when i raise my arm. I will call her tomorrow and I hope that I can take another appt with her to discuss it further. Thank you so much for replying to me.

With the benefit of hindsight I think I had been feeling more fatigue than normal but that was all I could really say. I didnt have any other pain or swelling and I couldn’t feel a lump. I did start to notice a change in shape of my breast (flattening on the side of the dimple) but that was only once I had been diagnosed and was awaiting my mastectomy. I think the lump they did find in the mammo and ultrasound was fairly close to the chest wall and due to the size of my breasts (DD) it was just too deep to feel when initially getting the checks done.

It is of course entirely possible that your pcp is correct in that there is nothing too concerning to them but if it is still causing you concern and doesn’t seem to be resolving then I think it’s absolutely within your rights to request screening to set your mind at ease x

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I am concerned and I hope to see my pcp spon so she can do further testing.

Hi sky

Thank you for posting.

Breast changes can happen for many reasons. They may be due to an injury, hormonal changes as part of your monthly cycle (if you are still having periods) or due to benign conditions (not cancer). You also mention you have lumps in your arm that come and go.

We are unable to comment on pictures. As @naughty_boob mentioned it isn’t always a lump, a change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling can be a sign of breast cancer. Stretch marks can also cause denting of the skin.

For more information see our booklet Know your breasts: a guide to breast awareness and screening.

It sounds like this is a very anxious time for you so you may want to make another appointment with your GP to talk through your concerns.

Do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information if necessary. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK - prefix 18001).

If you would prefer one of our nurses to call you. To do this complete this form ticking the box agreeing to a call back.

Our usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and 9am - 1pm on Saturday.

Out of hours you can leave a message and we will call you back when we next open.

Best wishes


Breast Care Nurse

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As we are unable to monitor for further replies, this thread will now be closed. If you have any additional questions or would like to provide feedback, please start a new thread, call our helpline, email us or request a call back.