Left Breast pain

Hi, I’m 21 and have had a continuous pain under my left breast for about a year now, which has become slightly worse over the past couple of months. It becomes painful if pressure is applied, such as an underwired bra or sometimes it is just tender if knocked. My doctor prescribed me some antibiotics which did not help, and referred my to the breast clinic, but I will not get an appointment for 24 weeks. I have tried evening primrose oil as well which the doctor suggested, but this also has not changed anything. I have no history of breast cancer, no actual lump and I have not been urgently referred to the clinic, so I am not overly worried that it is breast cancer. I would just like to know what are the possibilities that are causing the pain, as I am in my final year in uni so it is just just slightly on my mind. 

Hi ems21 and welcome to the BCC forums.

Along with the support you will find here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support so please feel to call to talk your concerns over on 0808 800 6000, weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2

This link will take you to the BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ section where you will find information which you may find helpful:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi ems,


I’m sorry you are having breast pain. This link is to a downloadable booklet from this site that outlines several causes of breast pain.




I don’t know if the answer to your problem is in this booklet, but it’s worth a look. I too have breast pain. Costochondritis, which really hurts when pressure is applied. It is caused by inflammation in the ribs, just behind the breast.


Good luck for your appointment at the breast clinic, and hope you soon find out what is causing the pain and how to deal with it.


poemsgalore xx