Left Side Radiotherapy

Hi All


Recently received results from a lumpectomy and senitel lobe biopsy, cancer removed with clear margins and no cancer in the 1 lobe that they had removed. Concerned about left side radiotherapy as it was mentioned about possible heart/lungs problems from this. Anyone experienced a problem and are there any other checks that are done on heart/lungs. I don’t have a start date fro my radiotherapy yet but just trying to prepare myself. Feel a bit anxious about it.


Angie X

Hi Angie

Here’s a link to the BCC information about radiotherapy and if you wish to talk any concerns over please call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2:


Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hello Angie,
Pleased to read you received a good pathology report and didn’t need chemo. I was also one of the lucky ones that did not need chemo and I am very grateful.
I had left side breast cancer (Lumpectomy, SNB and Radiotherapy).
Like you, I read the leaflets that pre-warned ladies with left side BC about possible heart/lung problems after radiotherapy.
I hope I can allay your concerns by sharing my own experience.
My oncologist put me forward for the Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique. This technique is fairly new but my hospital radiotherapy unit used it. Not all hospitals do. The technique is used for those patients whose heart may be very close to the treatment site.
At the Simulation Planning session you have a CT scan that creates a map of your internal organs and the treatment site. I mentioned to the radiographers that my oncologist had put me forward for the Deep Breath Hold technique. Luckily, my CT scan showed that there was a good distance between my heart and the treatment site so I did not need to use the technique. The radiographer was kind and helpful and let me see my CT scan images on her computer screen. It put my mind at rest.
Also, there have been huge advancements in the field of radiotherapy and left sided BC patients now benefit from IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) which is given by a Linac Accelerator.
I had IMRT and did a lot of research on what it entailed. Fascinating!!!
In a nutshell, IMRT controls the beams to a precise area therefore has much less impact on organs such as the heart.
I have a photo of my radiotherapy CT set up scan that the radiographers used at each session. There was a very small hatched area indicated where the machine was programmed to block the radiation beams from my heart.
Seeing my set up CT scan every session on the monitor in the treatment room and knowing the radiographers went to great lengths to double check my positioning precisely, both allayed my concerns of any beams affecting my heart.
At your set up CT planning appointment ask the radiographers if you will be having IMRT.
You can be sure, your radiotherapy treatment will be accurately designed and planned to cause the least damage to other organs.
I hope the information has helped make you feel less anxious. I know I was very anxious about damaging my heart but once I knew the details about the technology I was OK.
Apologies for the lengthy post.
Peace and Positivity,

Thanks for the replies it has helped to make me feel less anxious. Just waiting for a date with the Oncologist and then my start date for Radiotherapy.

Angie. X

Well another day of crying donot know why wether it is all coming back to me thinking of going in for radiation next week just fed up it is never ending if I go to doctors she will put me on tablets do not want to go down that road does an one else feel like this

Hi mine is on left side hospital this week never said anything about problems being on left side iam waiting for letter now for start of radiation have to have15 then 2x17 then go back on 3rdoctoberfor review hope you will be ok hugs xx