length of stay

Hoping to have reconstruction next year. Will be having remaining breast removed
and then both reconstructed using muscle from back and implants. Does anyone know how long the average stay in hospital would be for this? Also how do you sleep after as front and back has been worked on?
Thanks. Fluffy

Hi Fluffy

I have had bi-lat mast and immediate LD recon, I was told I would be in hospital for 5 days but stayed for 7 due to drains. Laying on back was not a problem and after a few weeks could lay on side as well.

Good luck with your op.

Thanks for the reply. Funny the things that you think of. I imagined I would have to sleep sitting up surrounded by loads of
pillows! For first mastectomy I was in for ten days cos of drains so hope I am out a bit sooner this time. Won’t be until next year though.
Are you pleased with the results?

I had a bilateral mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction about six weeks ago. I am incredibly pleased with the results - my new breasts look great. I was in hospital for seven days. Lying on my back was fine - it is still the most comfortable position. Can sleep on side too now…good luck with the op…you will be fine.

I’m keeping an eye on this thread as I am seeing the PS tomorrow (at East Grinstead) re an LD flap (I think that’s the best option). Not sure yet how long after consultation the operation will take place, but having faced chemo, mastectomy and rads, at least this is something more cheerful!

I am very interested to hear anything at all about LD flap reconstructions so any and all advice will be appreciated.

Bubs X