Length of time after mammogram to consultant appointment

Hi all am new to this site.
I found a lump in my breast on Boxing Day, and had a GP appointment on New Year’s Eve, the outcome being a referral to the breast clinic at our local hospital. I had a mammogram on the 21st Jan, and have received a consultant appointment for the 14th Feb. Is this timeline standard for someone who has just found a lump? I have had to chase up each stage (I’d still be waiting for the mammogram if I hadn’t), and don’t know whether or not to think that it’s good news that the consultant appointment has not been made for sooner. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


Maybe should ring the consultant’s secretary and ask what is going on.

Absolutely you should ring up and tell them the wait is making you ill and you can’t concentrate on anything so please would they for you in or give you information on the phone.

Hi Anne,

Sorry you find yourself in this predicament. I’m not too sure what you mean by an appointment with the Consultant. Is this to be given a diagnosis, further tests, or to discuss surgery? Your hospital will have targets to meet, and there are national guidelines on these targets.

Hi Anne once you have been referred to the breast clinic by your gp you should seen within 2 WEEKS. At the clinic you are seen by a consultant then a mammogram and ultrasound is done if deemed necessary. If a biopsy is carried out there and then an appointment for the results is usually a week later. I agree with everyone else that you should ring either your consultants secretary or one of the breast care nurses at the hospital as what you are saying doesn’t sound quite right. Very best wishes.

Thank you for yout advice. I will ring tomorrow to see what is going to happen on the 14th - I presume the consultant will have my mammogram pictures there and will tell me what the next step is, but I will check on this. I’ve been worrying now since Christmas it does seem a bit long.