Lesbian + Bisexual women informing a partner of breast cancer appearance change

What is the project about?

Exploring how lesbian and bisexual women who have undergone treatment for breast cancer experience telling a new romantic partner
(who is a woman) about their breast cancer treatment, n particular, about their appearance changes following treatment

Who’s organising it?

Name of individual(s): Emily Gillespie, Nick Sharratt and Helena Lewis-Smith
Name of organisation(s): University of the West of England
Contact email: Emily2.Gillespie@live.uwe.ac.uk

What’s the criteria for taking part?

• Have finished active treatment

• Have met a romantic partner following this. Should be able to reflect on their experience of
telling that person about their changes to appearance, due to the treatment.

• Reflect on their experience with a woman.

What do I need to do?

Please register your interest by following this link - bit.ly/QualtricsSurvey1

When’s the deadline?
