lesbians & bi women - marginalised even here?

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HI Norberte,
you have been a great fighter in getting the forums to feel accessible for lesbians as well as straight women, and I owe much of my comfort on here to your endevours. I also get a huge amount of help and support from all the lasses on here - what I’m disappointed about is that BCC, (who as you say had a launch the other day about needs of Lesbians and Bisexual women not to be discriminated against while having their treatment) not joining the dots.
I haven’t read the leaflets but maybe a note from BCC in posting them to say they are focussed on hettie women would have helped.
I’ll drop an email to Jane who set up the LB launch to let her know whats going on,
bw Nicola
p.s. in case anyone wondering the homophobia I experienced during the early weeks of my treatment led me to change my surgeon, and to not have then or since a BCN.

Hi Norberte & moorcow

Just to say that I have commented on the other thread to apologise for not pointing out the limitations of these booklets when we posted them. I’m sorry that it made you feel ignored and marginalised. If you do come across any resources relating to cancer and sexuality that are more inclusive, we really would love to see them.

with best wishes

thanks Leah

hi leah
do you think it made (some of) us feel marginalised, or do you think we were being made marginal & invisible?
not quite the same thing?
perhaps, rather than a piecemeal approach, bcc needs to review its equal opps / diversity policy? is there anything in there on what crietria you’d use for publications you produce or would recommend? as i and others have pointed out - not just when it comes to sexuality & gender identity but also when it comes to ‘race’ & culture, ethnic status, religion, (dis)ability, age …
& could you let us know where you’ve already looked for lb-friendly materials? that way, we’ll be able to see if there are any organisations or groups you may not have come across yet
n xx