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That really is unbelievable! Whatever his personal prejudices etc may be you’d think that logically he’d realise that a hysterectomy and mastectomy = woman!!! If it wasn’t so hurtful it would be completely laughable.
I’d be very surprised if you were the only lesbian he’s had as a patient. I can’t say whether you should pursue a complaint or not that has to be your decision but do consider the emotional energy it would take at this time.
There are some real dinosaurs out there. We have a few in our GP practice, probably fine dealing with men but with women they have no idea.
take care, Elinda xx
I am lost for words! If you have the energy, do complain. Doctors are supposed to be intelligent, educated people. It is obviously and naturally causing you stress; no other man or woman should have to endure such biggotery (if there is such a word).
I only came across this post this morning as I do not come to this site very often anymore. Trying to move on; but for some reason I am drawn back every so often. What surprises me most is that you got so little support from this forum. Usually members here are quite quick at complaining about the services of their doctors.
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I am gobsmacked at the insensitivity, Norberte. How very dare he!?
Actually, he probably very dare quite happily, not realising the offence he causes, but his lack of knowledge of human biology - hysterectomy = pretty serious op = definitely female because men don’t have a uterus - astounding!
Have a hug from a happily hetero fellow sufferer of bigotry (yes, vercors, just a different spelling! ). I realise this may be a bit insensitive so I apologise beforehand, but many years ago I fell victim to a female Catholic doctor who decided that rather than deal with an unwanted pregnancy in a sensitive and practical way, I needed a lecture. Won’t go into the details but suffice to say it wasn’t simply a matter of loose morals. I wasn’t impressed then, and most certainly am not impressed with how YOU’VE been treated. Would he have asked a man diagnosed with breast cancer if HE had had a sex change? That’s bizarre beyond bizarre.
As for whether to pursue it, I think it depends on whether you would get any kind of “light relief” from pursuing it. You never know, you might find the whole thing so flipping idiotic that your sense of the ridiculous takes over and you can’t HELP but follow it up. Sometimes that black humour gets in there in the strangest places.
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