I was diagnosed wire stage 4 HER 2, in Jan 2014. Mets to liver, Lung, extensively to bones and lymph nodes. Due to the vast spread I didn’t undergo surgery but after initial chemo I was (and still am) on herceptin and pertusamab. It’s seems to work very well for me and I’ve been stable since then…… until now.
my oncologist called me to say the CT scan is showing a new, small lesion in the original breast, but the mets don’t appear to have changed. She said it’s probably nothing but sent me of for a biopsy at a nearby hospital. The surgeon I saw said it’s probably nothing, but they did a mammogram, got my Ct scans and did some ultra sound scanning and took biopsies. The surgeon spoke to me at the end and said it’s hard to know for sure but highly unlikely and that the results would go to my oncologist and she would take it from there.
now .I’ve received a call from the surgeons clinic to say my oncologist has asked them to give me a follow up appointment and they have made it this coming Thursday.
my mind is now jumping to conclusions about why I’m going back to the surgeon again. Does anyone have suggestions as to why I’d be going back there unless the lesion is malignant? I did call my breast cancer nurse but she told me she doesn’t have any information, which now feels like it’s also bad news.
any words of advice from you wonderful, knowledgeable ladies?