
Hi Lesley,

I know today is your first chemo day, so good luck to you. I always think it’s much tougher being diagnosed with primary and secondaries at the same time, so here’s to you sport, and you know you’ve got loads of support if you need it.

Take very good care

I second that. I’ve been thinking about you today Lesley. I do hope the first chemo went off ok and hoping you’ve got lots of support with your family. Take all the help you’re offered! Take care and thinking of you.
Anne x

Hi Lesley,
hope it went well today I too have been thinking of you. Well, when I could stay awake. Today is my sleepy day. Make sure you drink plenty of water and get lots of rest.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Lesley…I was thinking of you today…Take Care…Belinda…xx

Hi Lesley

Was thinking of you yesterday and am hoping you are feeing a lot brighter today. LOL Dee xx

Hi everyone

Thank you all so much - have no idea why I’ve only just seen this thread, think it got a bit lost in the list!!! It all went off okay - was told I have ‘stonking great big veins’ lol, which is good - about the only thing about this I want to be big! The chemo was fine and I haven’t felt sick at all, little bit tired but nothing exceptional although I know that feeling builds up over the six sessions so will no doubt get worse. But generally feeling good thanks and drinking loads of water and herbal tea. Have a nice restful day Debs.

Hope you’re all ok. Shan’t be on Live Chat tonight as am going to watch my daughter in a dance show, think I’ll be up to staying awake!

Lesley xx