
I have been taking Leterazole now for 5 months after Mastectomy in January! Lately I’ve been feeling really down and tearful, never had so much aches and pains! I’m sure it must be due to this drug and feel like stopping it completely! 

Would like to hear from anyone who feels as I do. X


Ive been on lethzole over a year and still gets aches and pains but on morphine for my bone mets. Its common feel low etc maybe soeak to your doctor explaim how you feel you nay get anti depressants or counclling wiah could give you a huge hug xxxx

Hi Lin

i am exactly the same. My joints are agony particularly when I get up from sitting down. I exercise a lot using the exercise bike and walking but it makes no difference. Sometimes I end up having to crawl upstairs. I’ve but on loads of weight too, even though I eat healthily. I think that could be the zoladex injections I gave having. I am getting married in just under 2 years so I need to lose the weight and have a reconstruction x