Letrosole and Escitalopram

Please can someone help me. Firstly, I find this site quite impossible. Can you please make it user friendly by letting the user know that they have to scroll down the page in order to find the “subject box”. I’ve been trying to find the subject box for hours. I would have expected it to appear on my screen as instruced. Instructions on your site, I quote “You should now see an empty box”. This does not happen until the end of the page. Eeeek… now that I have let off steam, I will continue with my posting.
Please, can you tell me if Escitalopram is a good anti-depressant to take whilst on Letrosole. I try to avoid taking them but I’ve a few problems at the moment and am hoping they will give be a better balance.

Many thanks.


Hi Jeannie,

While you are waiting for replies from your fellow forum users, could I suggest you give the helpline here a ring and have a chat with one of the staff there. Calls are free, 0808 800 6000 lines are open now and until 5pm tonight.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Jeannie, you may have heard that you have to be careful when taking Tamoxifen, that you can’t take Prozac (fluoxetine) at the same time.

As far as I’m aware there isn’t the same problem with aromatase inhibitors, so there shouldn’t be a problem. The important thing is to find an anti-d that works well for you. So if it does what you want it to, that should be fine.

If you want to look at interactions, a simple Google search looking for “drug interactions” will show you lots of sites where you can check all your meds. I’ve checked, and the only interactions I’ve found are with grapefruit juice (that interacts with quite a few drugs!) and with alcohol.

Hope that helps.

<disclaimer: i not=“” medically=“” trained so=“” this=“” is=“” just=“” my=“” opinion.=“”> </disclaimer:>

Hi. I first went on Cipralex to help with flushing whilst on Arimidex and it certainly helped a lot. I am now on Letrozole, and the side effects are far less than they were on Arimidex, so I am hoping that it is the Cipralex that is helping with menopausal symptoms and general anxiety. I just take 20mg and it seems to calm me generally. I have been told that I can drink - in moderation - and that it does not interact with any of the other drugs I am taking.