Hi, I’m about to come off Letrozole after 10 years. I have been very lucky - no real side effects apart from thin hair. Has anyone come off letrozole and noticed any changes - good or bad.
Hi @AmeliaEdwards , well done on keeping up your treatment for the full ten years! I am in awe of you and so pleased to hear that you did not have too many side effects. Are you pleased to be stopping treatment?
I stopped Letrozole on 24 october. I am 67 years old and had taken it for 11 months. The first thing I noticed was i could move more easily and had less back pain. I also felt happier - less moody. The next improvement was in the vagina - it became moist again and i rarely need a non hormonal moisturiser now. My libido is also returning. Next improvement was to my skin and hair which is a little less dry and my hair has more body. What hasnt improved is my chronic insomnia and pain in my hips. My fibroids have grown and I have developed endometriosis. My friends tell me that I look better. Hope you get some more replies and feel good about ending your treatment. Love Tulip x
Hi Tulip, thank you for your reply. I’m 62 and although I tolerated the drug well - it certainly had an impact in other ways - dreadful dry vagina being one- looking forward to a change there. With best wishes that we all keep staggering on and you can manage your pain X
Hi. I recently stopped letrozole after 9 years 4 and a half months. Within 3 days I noticed a better quality of sleep, still not perfect but improved. . Within a week my get up and go that had gone had come back!
My husband has noticed a big difference in my energy levels.
I do not ache as much.
Its now been around 6 weeks .
I wish you all well and congratulations for getting to 10 years xx