Letrozole 2

Please explain the side effects.
Anyone tried chopping the tab to reduce the dose?

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I have now been on Letrozole for around 9 months and the only side effects that I have is joint pain. In particular my elbows and hips but when I think about moaning about it I just remind myself it is better than having cancer. Hope you get on okay with it x

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Hi , everyones side effects are individual to them but lots of people have no side effects. I have been on Letrozole for over 18 months and the only side effect I’ve had recently is like a frozen shoulder.
Not yet been confirmed it is the Letrozole as seeing Dr within mext couple of weeks.
No acges or pains elsewhere

I’m a little stiff sometimes but no consistent aches or pains or really any side effects to speak of and I’ve been on letrozole well over a year.

Thanks for the responses ladies.

I’m experiencing extreme drops in my diastolic blood pressure when I exercise at Physical Therapy. Had to stop when it plummeted to 87/47.

Going to try taking at bedtime vs. first thing in morning.

I have been on Letrozole for six months and suffer from joint pain mostly in my legs. I’ve also been waking up with terrible cramp in my legs, anyone have this?
I have spoken to my consultant and she wants me to continue taking it. I was previously on tamoxifen and don’t remember the side effects being this bad.

Ive had lots of joint pains, aching muscles & yes I get cramp more now. I have been on letrozole for over 2 years & contacted my BCN when I was tearful who suggested stopping it - been 3 weeks - and I have an appointment with my oncologist in another 3 weeks. Just hoping he will change it, its not reduced much but is much better. I know there are others I could take but I think they find letrozole the most effective…I will find out!

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Hi. I’ve just started Letrozole after 2 years on Tamoxifen. I’m trying out different brands as I’m starting to get a few side affects. Hip pain is worse and insomnia is now kicking in.

A lot of people tolerate different brands better than others so that’s probably the way forward rather than reducing your dose by cutting pills in half.

There is research that suggests Letrozole is the best at preventing recurrence. I know I’d rather have a few aches and pains and sleepless nights if it means I can prevent the bugger coming back!

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Totally agree.

After reading your comments I am wondering if my insomnia could also be a side effect. I take my Letrozole in the morning. Wondering if changing it bedtime might help? X

I’ve been on letrazole for 8 years. I was very nervous when I started taking it, having heard about the side effects. Mine are manageable - aching knees and joints, but It is a very effective drug at keeping cancer at bay!

I just switched to Letrozole at bedtime last night.
I was able to sleep thank the Good Lord!

Did have night sweats but was able to go back to sleep during the middle of the night.

My biggest concern not becoming dizzy!

Mixing my new medication of Isosorbide Mononitrate (to open up my blocked arteries) to stop my angina and at the same time taking Letrozole in the morning just too much for my system to handle.

I had to cut my exercise physical therapy session short 2 times as a result.
If my diastolic plunges to below 50 I start to pass out.
Hopefully going to a 3rd Cardiologist April 16, will get my arteries opened up somehow.

I keep hoping to get a Cardiologist to stent open my left coronary artery.
Taking drugs to artificially treat collasped vessels a mistake.
I say go for the “mechanical” solution that worked previously.
I already had a 5 way bypass in 2018. Unfortunately 2 arteries that were stented previously are closed back down and my left coronary at least 50% blocked now causing the angina.

My hand is forced taking Letrozole to prevent cancer coming back. I surely would not be taking it otherwise but it further complicates my delicate system.

Extreme Side effects MAY be of Letrozole are HIGH blood sugar glucose, weight gain, HIGH lipids, and Heart chest pain (angina).

I was able to lose 75 lbs using GOLO, Strict Low Carb - Low Sugar Diet, Intermittent Fasting - eating only between 7 AM to 3 PM, and Cardio-exercise Program. I went from out of range Diabetes 2 to now in range controlled A1C Levels.

I hate to think that Letrozole will negate all this hard regime discipline success of reversing sugar levels. The one bright spot in this hard, hard journey I could point to of success.

So keep watch folks on your blood panels monitoring your A1C Levels and Lipids.

Do all that you can to address any side effects Letrozole MAY cause to your cardio system. NOT saying you will experience any of these. So much depends upon our unique body make up and even hereditary predisposition. Some can be addressed by life-style changes and dietary regimes.

I’m taking many supplements also.
Vits D3/K2, Zinc, Omega 3, R-Lopaic Acid, NAC/Milk Thistle, Quercetin/Bromelain.

Since I want to keep exercising and MOVING am taking
MSM/Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Collagen Peptides.

So far the joint pain and muscle aches have not set in but probably will if I cannot continue to exercise.

This is a Catch 22. I pray at night before asking GOD to allow me to sleep will He take me to see Jesus or will He wake me up healed or in some sort of shape acceptable to be His servant to help others and not be a burden.

His will not my own.

So far it looks as though He still wants me here for a reason.

Keep walking ladies! Keep standing!

Hi Thats interesting, I’m on Letrozole and have had a Frozen Shoulder Diagnosed with Ultra Sound, recent MRI results yet to be given. But I didn’t know it could be a side effect, so thanks. My private physio has given me some great exercises using a Broom handle, hard to explain, but holding in front, gentle pull to the right, then left. followed by gentle push to right and left. the handle replaces rubber bands that you may tie to your bannister, but silly me pulled one of those too hard and pulled out of the wall. hence using the broom instead, the next exercise is to lift the handle horizontally as though putting onto a shelf above, then taking item off the shelf.
Come back to me if you need a better explanation. But this has helped tremendously, only get occasional pain at night when doing other activities. then the Magnotherapy belt/pads help. cheers Moonsox xxx

I gave up on Letrozole Friday.

I can’t exercise without becoming so dizzy 1 breath away from passing out with BP of 97/47.

Letrozole Aromatase Inhibitor 2.4 mg By Prescriber - Dr. —, — Oncology — , TN (began 2/20/2024 to ended 4/5/2024)

  1. Hot flushes and sweating
  2. Feeling very tired / exhaustion
  3. Loss of sleep / night sweating / awakening to urinate
    4, Losing appetite
  4. Hair loss
  5. Low mood
  6. Muscle weakness, pain or swelling in the joints or tendons in your or legs, shoulders, and chest
  7. Chills / Sweats alternating
  8. Unstable angina, pain, wildly fluctuating blood pressure over 200/100 to below 87/47 each day M, W, F.
  9. Sunday even without exercise BP spiked to 198/102 at 9:38 AM with cardio meds including Clonidine add on went to 88/62 standing BP at 10:42 AM.
    As a result, unfortunately too ill to attend Church Service.
    Hoping to be able to complete Physical Therapy for a full session of 1 hour next Monday 8, Wednesday 10, Friday 12.
    April Monday 1, Wednesday 3, and Friday 5 only got in 45 min. of exercise until BP diastolic dipped below 50 and was too dizzy to continue.


Was able to complete Physical Therapy Monday.
Took mononitrate after exercise.
Took regular heart medication approximately 2 hours beforehand.
Relieved this is over.
I will not look back.
Looking forward in prayer that cancer remains gone.
I will know the last week in July when I get another 3D mammogram, sonogram, and MRI if the cancer remains gone.
Hoping the neuropathy in legs goes away caused by Letrozole and the lipids start going down.
Slept somewhat better last night.
Should get my dopamine booster pills soon.
Letrozole kills dopamine levels.
Hope mine level does come back.
Without dopamine we head for Parkinson’s and dementia.

Pray for me ladies as I will pray for you also for complete healing.

~ MabelLean

Hello mabellean

I too am taking letrozole. Been taking it now for 4 years. The side effects are killing me. I have bone and joint pain and sometime insomnia. Do continue taking it as it helps keep the cancer at bay. You might not have the same side effects as I do. Just stay healthy and keep going.

This sounds bad but I pray my heart gives out in my sleep.
My dad died of congestive heart failure and my mom of multiple myeloma.
I pray that my next screenings come out clear.
God calls us home when He is done with us on earth.
I pray each night if I am not taken that I can be a good and faithful servant and no burden to others when I awake.
His will not ours be done.
Prayers for you sister in this battle.
The side effects for me impossible but with GOD all things are possible.