Hi Mags,
No neither an English teacher and not very academic, passed my first and only A Level when I was 30 and pregnant with my daughter.
I don’t mean to sound matter of fact in a bad way, but sometimes you do have to face the truth. I was with a friend today and we were talking about how I am dealing with this. I told her that I had two options; first option is to get on with my life, survive as long as I can and make as many good memories as I can for my dh and kids and the second option is to hand someone a shovel and ask them to start digging my grave. The second option doesn’t work for me!
Yeah, I did cry a lot at the start and then on the emotional days following chemo I cried a lot and at times got quite despondent. But I just had to pick myself up, dust myself off and get on with it. My eyes often fill with tears when anyone talks about the future. My boy said that he hoped I’d be well enough to go with him to Scout and Mum Camp. That’s at least 6 years down the line (he was only invested into Beavers a couple of months ago! That one really got me going.
I gave up on the wig when the weather got hot. I too notice a difference in how people treat me when I have wig or headscarf on.
I see my consultant every 3 weeks, but it is being done under private medical insurance via my husband’s employment. I don’t know if I would see him so frequently if I was being seen under the NHS.
My mum would have been heartbroken to see me going through this. It’s really tough on my dad, he’s 80 next year and has already lost his wife and one son. I do wonder if there is any genetic connection, but mum’s cancer was so advanced with secondaries everywhere that they never found the primary cause.
The Herceptin and Femera should hopefully stop the tumours from growing (at least for a while), there is a slim possiblity they may even shrink some more. If they start growing again its another course of chemo. My bloods are done every three weeks too and my oncologist is keeping a close eye on my tumour markers.
The Femara hasn’t affected my sleep yet, but I’ve only been taking them for a few days.
I have a story to tell about my Zoladex injection but that will have to wait for another time.
I may be quiet for a couple of weeks, so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me.
Take care and have a great weekend yourself.