Letrozole and Trigger Thumb

Hi there
Just information for those of you who search on this forum as I did and didn’t find a relevant post.
I am 56 and started Letrozole post my single mastectomy and after 3 weeks I had developed right handed Trigger Thumb and a painful middle left finger. I spoke to my BC nurse and she advised me to stop taking it to see if symptoms improved. They haven’t and I have now spoken to my GP who has referred me for an assessment and possible injection. My GP had never heard of it as a side effect even though its listed in the tablet box pamphlet (but not in the BCN leaflet on Letrozole). My advice to others is do some pre research before contacting GP and push for a solution. I will not be going back on Letrozole but may consider other HT options.


I am also on letrolzole and had trigger finger in both hands on and off before I was diagnosed with BC and hadn’t been on letrozole. Have had a couple of steroid injections which sorted out the trigger finger and not had any more injections or symptoms since around time of starting letrozole so please consider all your options before stopping letrozole as that might be the difference of a further diagnosis of breast cancer or not if you can sort out your trigger finger :heart::heart:


I am on letrozole started it last year and have trigger fingers in both hands often happens when cutting food or carrying heavy objects but after researching and discussions with my oncologist I have decided to stay on letrozole and not change to another medication or come off it. Interestingly i have found the brand of letrozole can make a difference and with the one I take at the moment the trigger occasions are less and i have less joint pain overall

wish you luck
Have you tried another brand i found things changed even after

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I have been on letrozole for 3 years, and I’ve developed trigger finger in both middle fingers.
I had a steroid injection in both fingers and it was a miraculous cure…for 3 months and then it came back as before! I assume it’s caused by the letrozole, as well as all the other aches and pains, but who knows!

Hi Molly3. i am into my third year with Letrozole after RS mastectomy, i have learned to live with the hot flushes, overheating, weight gain and poor sleep. About 2.5 years ago I got trigger finger in my little finger on my right hand and was given a steroid injection and instructions on how to massage my finger by a consultant at the hospital. The trigger finger has now returned so I am massaging my finger and have not asked to be re referred at this stage. Try to stick with Letrozole if you can. Audrey xx

I am on Exemestane and had really bad trigger thumb (sometimes had to manually bend it). My oncologist recommended Glucosamine sulphate 1500mg. That was back in May, I get the odd twinge if over use it, but nothing significant .
Might be worth trying. All the best

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Thank you for the info bordercat

Thank you this is really useful as are all the posts to see that its not as uncommon as I thought. As my full time job involves constant PC/software work I am considering options. The efficacy for HT for me according to my Predict scores is less than 1.5% so hence each case is different and my approach is coloured by that.

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