Thanks @mun4o
I was on HRT for perimenopause symptoms when I was diagnosed and was starting to feel fantastic! I came off the HRT and straight onto letrozole - bam, constant hot flushes, brain fog, mood swings the lot. I have to say though, that most of my symptoms have definitely improved over time and it’s really only the joint pain that has been the problem for me. I’m lucky that the hot flushes aren’t too big an issue - so I really feel for you…I hope you get the opportunity to try Veozah when it becomes available next year. We shouldn’t have to take antidepressants when we’re not depressed!
I’m hoping that now I’m fully recovered from my big surgery and able to be more active, if I have to stop the turmeric, I’ll maybe feel better anyway you never know, it might have been a placebo?! I’ll also look into acupuncture- I think they offer it at a nearby Helen Rollason Centre…
I’m certainly at peace mentally - I hope you are too. I’ll let you know what my BCNs say tomorrow xxx
Its mainly joint & muscle aches & pains - every step I took I felt either in my knees or thigh muscles. I don’t have so much diaorrhea either! I was also much more tired. I was sleeping probably another hour a day?
I am so glad i asked to change!
@CLC maybe that will be my next step if necessary… just a bit nervous to change to a different AI for some reason! xx
@diddy1 oh yes, I am certainly at peace with myself that’s for sure…I think everything happens for a reason…
I’ve been through a lot the last 3 years and honestly, I am a different and definitely better person…
Wishing you all the best for the future. Take care. Xxx
Hi @diddy1
Thank you for sharing this nd I’m so pleased it is working for you.
Dr Liz O’Riordan recommended this website to check for drug interactions with herbal medications. Eating herbs such as turmeric is not an issue such as adding in your curry. I have turmeric added in an immune boosting shot with hot water, it offers some help. I didn’t want to go down the herbal route as your can’t guarantee the quality as they is no regulation like medicines.
I wrote this about Fezolinetant/Veoza. @mun4o
Here’s my immune boosting recipe if anyone wants to try it.
It’s so important to share our experiences to help others and get help ourselves.
@naughty_boob thank you for sharing your recipe!! I can see that there is a smoothie option but can’t see it - can you please post it again?
Many thanks🙏
If you don’t want to give up your Turmeric I would suggest asking your BCN if they can check with a Pharmacist about it. Make sure you tell them about everything you are currently taking to make sure they don’t overlook any possible interactions. Sometimes there’s a good reason not to take supplements and other times it’s just because they aren’t sure so they tell you not to to be on the safe side . The Memorial Sloan Kettering page often recommended by the Nurses is interesting on this one - it’s contraindicated with chemo . I’m not on Abemiciclib so don’t know much about it so if others on this thread are saying you can’t take Turmeric with that then I believe them . I haven’t seen anything on that page specifically related to AI.All you can do is get good quality info to make the best decision you can because diet and supplements become a mjnefield once you’ve had BC and there’s a lot of conflicting info. I’ve given Evening Primrose Oil and my AMD prevention supplement due them containing a lot of Vitamin E and also my collagen supplement and protein bars which contain a lot of collagen . You begin to wonder sometimes what you can take .
I’m taking it as MOJU Turmeric shots which seem to work better for me than any tablets or capsules I’ve tried . Xx
Smoothie was : Add one or two shots to a blender with banana, pineapple and water to blend and serve.
You’re welcome
Another thought, Diddy! My Ibandronic Acid caused me a lot of hip and back pain but I was advised by my BCN’s to try another manufacturer/brand of Ibandronic Acid as sometimes it can be the fillers in them? I did this and whilst not perfect, it definitely helped . . . until our Dispensary changed them back again this month and have been back to square 1 so feel your um, pain. Am getting them changed back again! Don’t know if that’s worth a thought and if it will work with a different manufacturer of Letrozole? x
I’ve just switched from Letrozole by Accord to Letrozole Femara.
I did a fair bit of reading around and if I’m in it for 10 years I’m going in what I think is best. Had an immense battle with GPs to get the more expensive brand but my joint pain is much better.
I’ve also noticed an increased libido and generally felt better in myself
I too take tumeric and magnesium
Thank you everyone. @ggx @Cat10 I’ve tried a couple of different brands and to be honest, Accord seems to be the best of a bad bunch for me and happens to be the only one they can get in my area…
@naughty_boob great advice, thank you and I will definitely give the shot a go!!
@JoanneN I think you’re right that often it’s the unknown rather than a specific danger or interaction with unregulated herbal supplements. I’m struggling to get hold of the nurses, but I’ll see how adamant they are, one way or the other. I’ll put turmeric in my food and try shots if that’s what I need to do.
I appreciate everyone’s responses - you are all so lovely
This sure is a hot topic!
My BCN is perfectly happy for me to take turmeric - as it has no relation to oestrogen she sees no reason why I shouldn’t. She had a quick word with my oncologist and he’s fine with it too. I’m so relieved and so happy that I can hopefully continue to feel good, and shout it from the rooftops!
Take care everyone, do what feels right for you, and stay well 🩷 This forum is great xx
@diddy1 brilliant news and now others will know the same. It’s always important to check with our teams as they are the experts.
Thank you @naughty_boob - you’re so good at sharing information - and I hope this might help others too. As you say though it’s so important to check with the experts (which I should have done to start with )
🩷 xx
Brilliant news on the turmeric and I’m sure a lot of us will now look into it. Thank you for keeping us up to date and keep on shouting from the rooftops ladies xxx
Please let us know what the oncologist says. I was VERY excited when I saw your post and ready to buy turmeric in large quantity as I also have severe joint pain. I have 2 more years to go.