Letrozole and weight?

Has anyone actually lost weight with Letrozole

Due to possibly start tomorrow and bit concerned

I put on weight even though I was eating the same as before I started.

Hey, I’ve been taking letrozole for the past 10months. I haven’t noticed much change in my weight maybe an increase by a kilo but probably more to do with my diet. I’m fairly active in spite of the delightful side effects, so I know I can shift the weight as well with training. I’m also on zoladex injections which I have every 4 weeks, which I’ve been on for the same amount of time.

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Hi Fionafayker,

Sorry to hear you gained weight. Hopefully you have it under control .

Hi, I’ll be taking Letrozole very soon and was interested to read about how you’re finding it. It seems the side effects vary person to person, like most of the treatments really ! Hope the “delightful” side effects aren’t too bad amyf34.

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