Letrozole & depression

I’ve been on Letrozole for 5 years and waiting to be advised next steps from oncologist. On the whole I’ve had minor physical side effects, including vaginsl dryness now managed with YES products and I have some stubborn weight to shift, but my main concern is low mood. How much of this is the drug, continued shock or general ageing and estrogen suppression I don’t know. All I do know is that I’ve been l looking at menopause supplements which promise more energy etc but which all contain estrogen enhancers/ isoflavins which are inadvisable. Is there a ‘natural’ supplement I can take which won’t affect Letrozole and raise my mood? I’m 62, reasonably fit, recently retired and feeling a bit lost at a time when I should be feeling jubilant. Advice gratefully received!


Hi @TW142, I hope today is going well for you and that you’re finding the forum helpful.

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