Letrozole - joint pains

Hi All!
I am new to this site but have decided to post a question. I had aggressive breast cancer in 2006 - lumpectomy/lymph node removal/6 months of chemo & radiotherapy. Since end of 2006 have been on Letrozole - I am unable to take Tamoxifen or Arimidex. I get terrible jont pains - esp knee/hip joints. Am like an old lady (only 48) getting up after sitting for any period of time as joints just stiffen up. Am told this is normal and yes I take Glucosomine etc but anyone out there had similar /got any ideas how fo alleviate the stiffness? Thanks Denise

Hi Denise

Whilst you wait for the other forum users to reply with their
experiences you find it helpful to read the BCC fact sheet on letrozole, which describes how it works, the benefits and possible side effects. If you would like a copy please go to the following link:-

[Search Results | Breast Cancer Now__femara__march_2008_0.pdf](Search Results | Breast Cancer Now femara march_2008_0.pdf)

Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)

Hi Ness,

I’m 35 and was dx dec 07. Had op, chemo and rads and finished aug 08. I too feel very stiff. I’ve recently gone back to work and know if i sit for too long in the chair i will end up hobbling so try to keep moving every half hour to hour or so. Also getting up in the mornings is stiff work especially knees and heals/ankles.

I too am on tomaxifen and take glucosomine. At the moment holland and barrat have a sale on buy one get second half price so i;ve stocked up.

Sorry i cant be of any further help.