I would like to ask is there a preference between letrozole and tamoxifin? I have been on iv paclitaxol have 4 more weekly sessions so at the end would have completed 6 months in total. Following scans everything is stable and tumour markers reduced from 243 to 177 this week. The lowest has been 164 but always goes up a little on my week off. Following oncologist appt the plan is to put me onto letrozole or tamoxifin and he says it’s my choice……he has provided a leaflet on each tablet.
Could anyone help with the best one to start with? Ideally I would like the tablet to keep my cancer stable, Shrink if possible. Is there anyone on either drug and has it worked and for how long? I was on tamoxifin with primary BC for 1 year but they changed to exemestane, because it had better results, so I can go back on tamoxifin.
Thanks for advice and wish everyone well.