Has anyone noticed their blood pressure rising since taking Letrozole and or Zoladex. Since I finished main treatment: chemo, mastectomy and radio then six months of herceptin, and stared on Letrozole and Zoladex, I’ve noticed BP rising. Often 140/150 over 85. GP monitoring but looking like I’m heading for medication to bring it down. Really frustrating after all the treatment. Diet and exercise not a solution: Mostly vegetarian, run 10k a week and weight not an issue. Has anyone else had problems with BP on these drugs.
hi amelia,
I’m on tamoxifen, not what you’re on, so can’t comment specifically, but what I find with my bp is I only have to go into the clinic situation for it to go up, then end up being told it is a bit high, to which I reply but I’m anxious!
Anyway, I decided to do it myself at home &, yes, it’s fine - usually below 120/75. Like you, I don’t have any other risk factors.
It may be worth checking it yourself at home, out of the clinic situation, before deciding on treatment.
I bought a bp device from Boots (I am a nurse by training) &/or see what your gp says about home monitoring.
ann x
Hello Amelia, I’m on Anastrozole and did have high blood pressure a couple of years ago and had tablets, just about to be taken off them when diagnosed last year. Did come off them, but on couple of doctor visits my bp was considered high - had to have 24 hr monitor - got myself so stressed that I stayed awake the whole time!! Luckily, even though bp averaged 130/80 I didn’t need any meds. I also have a home bp monitor, so occasionally use that, just to reassure myself. It can still go above 150. Yes, I do think the AIs raise bp but also think it depends on your doc’s attitude as to whether they like issuing tablets - mine doesn’t, which I’m happy with. Hope you’re ok.:catvery-happy:
Thank you for reassurance. I have a home monitor and my GP is being very cautious about going down meds route as otherwise healthy, if you don’t count breast cancer! I should be grateful for being on the planet, but really don’t want any more meds.
Hi Amelia - yes I’m afraid I went from very low blood pressure pre BC to very high blood pressure since taking Letrozole.
I’ve been on it nearly 2 years now & I take a blood pressure pill every morning to keep it down
The blood pressure pill doesn’t give me any side effects and works weel. At one point it was a case of do I or don’t I stop the Letrozole as I’ve had and still have pretty well all the side effects mentioned!
But my cancer was 100% oestrogen dependent - so I’m too scared to take the risk! xxx