Hi, I was taking letrozole but due to the awful side effects my oncologist told me to stop taking it. He said tamoxifen was an alternative but the side effects of that was even worse than the letrozole. He said that the chances of the cancer coming back for me was very low, around 3.6% by not taking the tablets. So decision made. My tumour was very small around 6mm/grade 1 and I had radiotherapy afterwards. Having mammograms every year for 5 years is also very reassuring. Would love to hear from anyone else in a similar position.
I am on letrozole and really struggling with the side effects. Can I ask how long you took it for before you stopped it please? Did you have the zoladex injections as well or not?
Do I take it you’re not on any hormone therapy now then? Just having the yearly mammograms?
I think I will be in the same situation as you. My surgery was a year ago and I had RT in October. I was on Letrozole from May 2021, changed to Examestane in September and then Tamoxifen in January 2022. I had hot flushes with all of them and joint pain with the first two as well. I have just had a knee replacement and the wonderful BC nurses to stop taking the Tamoxifen while I recover and until I see the BC consultant on 3rd August. I am going to have a discussion about the percentages. My oncocyte scores showed only a small likelihood of the cancer returning and I guess I have to weigh up the quality of my life at my age (71) with the risk. It isn’t easy and I am constantly worried about it like so many people on here.
I can’t remember my score but must of been worse as had chemo and two lymph nodes affected. Might ask on next visit as side effects are not torable are they