
Hi Im jist wondering if Im on the cheap letrozole tablets (accord)… and Im just getting used to the SE. Ihope they dont change my brand on the second packet the packet ive got was given at the hospital chemist when I went back for my results after my opp…Im reading lots of different things o here all about different brands etc…does everyone who takes these tablets stay on the same brand once been prescribed them ?? X

No - I’ve been on Anastrozole for more than 12 months and find that I’ve jumped from one brand to another about three times. I’ve also not noticed side-effects from any of the brands so obviously they don’t affect me detrimentally.

Hi Thanks for the comment thats good you havnt had any SE. How do they decide who has what tablets ? Im hateing taking Letrozole every day knowing Im going to feel sick and banging head stiff joints and tired… ;0(

Hi Nenya thanks for the comment I will try to drink more water through the day for the headaches thanks…Ive gone through the menapause thats prob why Im on these tablets. Im 55 bit see myself as being quite fit ive always kept myself fit so this has knocked me for six really Ive been going on long walks most days I wont let this beat me…I will be glad to get back to work my Doctor wont let me go back untill ive finished my treatment I start Radiio Therapy next tuesday the 9th .x

Hi waveylocks looks like your having same trouble as me sleeping too ! Where are you getting your radio therapy where are you from ? Would be nice to meet up if same place .x

Hi waveyloxks my first box of letrozole was accord Ive taken for a month now and managed to get uaed to the SE sickness,tired,bad heads,fuzzy ,aching
joints etc…then they changed to actavis Letrozole ive only taken one last night woke early hrs feeling sick got a fuzzy head today and bad headache fingers crossed hope it fizzles out… I think you need to try and change the make you are on with the rash etc… its shocking trying to get used ti different brands take care xx

OMG! Matty 2 You are having it bad thats horrid that you have all that running aboit to do not to mention all thee upset thata shocking…no wonder your dreading your next script…I only went to my chemist for my 2nd scrip (as the first script came from hospital) and when I realised that they didnt have accord to offer me as I had got used to the side effects from accord.I explained to the chemist that I wanted to stick with the same brand she even tried to ring the supplier to see if could get accord bit couldnt I ended up with Actavis Letrozole only on my 2nd nt tonight noticed a little difference up to now so looks like I better get searching other chemist before my next months script is due hope I dobt end up having same trouble as you but thanks for warning me …it gives me time to search other chemist for accors Letrozole tabs. Xx

Morning Matty2 Im now feeling a big difference on my new box of Letrozole (Actavis) I’m thinking of getting another script and finding another chemist that stocks Accord I’m not gonna wait to get through this months box.ive been woke most of the night feeling sick fur tongue aching joints blisters in my mouth etc etc…I start my Radio Therapy on tuesday this week will pro be changes again so I would like to be on the Accord Letrozole which I’ve got used to the SE and was coping ok with.todays task ring Docs for another script explain why then search for another chemist who stock accord and stay with them…Im going to feel tired next week with Rads so can do without being awake all night with the sickness etc…I know I feel like I’m moaning about the tabs but sure we deserve to be on the ones we feel ok with…x

Morning waveylocks…
Wow looks like things are on thee up for you with your script…Im going to ring doctors today and try sort me a new script out and stop taking these actavis Letrozole and find out who stocks accord…couldnt do it yesterday because I had my mum in my car and didnt want doctor ringing me coming through blue tooth on car radio…As ive kept my BC quiet only my sis and hubby know so you can imagine how hard it has been for me …ive been off work now about 8 weeks Im climbing the walls …my doc wobt let me go back untill mu treatment all finished RADS…Ive told my mum ive taken 3daya holl off work so took her out yesterday.but today I will ring docs while Im free…this site as been good for me to talk and learn about BC. And off load and been nice to learn about other people with BC… glad you got your script sorted i thee end waveylocks take care x

Hi Matty2.
Thanks for the advise o the shampoo I will give it a go as my hair is thinning too.As for the aches and pains I dont know if its fro the long hill climbing walks or the tabs ha.Im trying to go for long hill climbing walks most days just to keep me fit hope I can keep them up next week with starting Radio therapy…on thursday next week Im gonna be traveling miles to two different hospitals one for Rads and one for bone scan why they cant do in same hospital is beyond me all together ive been to 5 different hospitalswith my BC.I havbt been given any calcium tabs yet but at the begining they were mentioned…maybe I need to check with my Doc should I be taking them or not I have got myself some codliver oil caps Im taking daily…Xx

Hi everyone…
Well I rang Docs and explained the problem with the new batch of Letrozole dhe said she didnt think different brands could cause different SE I explained how I noticed right away so she give me another script I said I will search other chemist to try find accord…after five different chemist I found some in boots …I explained I need to keep having that make accord they said we just get what batch they send us I explained how bad I was on other batch.they got me to fill a form in so they get all my repeat prescriptions from docs and they have made a note that I need accord Letrozole Halliluya ! So now all I do is wait for text to come to my phone to say that my meds are ready to collect eac h month …we dobt get told any of these things we just learn from stress running about from one to another so I hope this might help some of you ladies going through the stress of getting the tablets that agree with you …Beryl I hope you get your under arm pain sorted I think you said you were starting your radio therapy on the 9th same day as me so good luck with that… Xx

Hi Sue Im taking codliveroil tabs I will get some vit D tabs… Im goi g for my bo e scan on thursday this week so they might tell me more .Xx

christine .

Moring waveylocks
just wishing you good luck today on you radio therapy hope all goes well let me know how it goes I start mine at 11am Xx

I thought three weeks ago I was starting my Rads but it was just to have to tattos and in a scanning machine lazors etc…so today is deffo my rads its for three weeks and im aching like mad too ;0( anyway onwards n upwards from now eh! Have you had your tattoo marks yet ? X

Morning Waveylocks
just seen your message changed my phone so not sure im getting emails when get comments …well day 4 for me today on Rads going ok though had good appointment times 11 ish .yesterday I went to another hospitsl miles away for bone scan at 10.15 that was quick when I got there. .then I had a 5pm appointment for rads at another hospitsl miles away I’m back to my 11am again today for Rads.nearly done one week now nothing happening to me yet can feel a thing I’m slappibg Aqueous on day & night and shower/bath with baby soap…still feeling sick from Letrosole bad heads etc.some days different SE.one day I got out of bed felt drunk floor was coming at me it was the first time I’ve felt like that it was the day after my first Rads…but they say no it will be your Tablets.
Good luck for monday with Rads hope you sort your position out you will get used to it …its a doddle daily and goes very fast they took some xrays pictures on the rads bed first two days just before rads to make sure I’m settled relaxed in the right position they only took them first two days then said they are happy with them so just the Rads now even quicker. Take care xx

Chrisrine x