
I have had 2 surgeries and 6mths of chemotherapy. I’m due for third surgery in 2 weeks and then I am suppose to start Letrozole.
I am considering not taking this drug or any. Chemo was horrible! I was sick in bed for most of it and I just don’t want to go through anymore if I can.
I was told it will give me another 4% for no reoccurrence. I don’t think that is enough for me to suffer some more.
I am BRCA2 and my BC is stage 1. I’ve had a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy and go back for reconstruction. The surgeries are a walk in the park compared to chemo.
I’m not trying to be negative but I haven’t felt myself for a year and can’t imagine to go through more side effects for five years.
I have a battle going on in my head and not sure what to do. I know my doctor will be angry if I don’t take these meds so I don’t want to even ask her.
What to do?

Hi sherigre

My path through treatment is different to yours, but have finished up with taking letrozole. I had lumpectomy last year, followed by chemo and then rads. The most traumatic part for me  was the surgery. Chemo had its challenges, but doable. Radiotherapy was fine. Now, I feel like I’m still recovering and also dealing with the hormone therapy. But its nothing like dealing with chemo. The side effects for me are manageable. I have aches and pains in my joints and my blood pressure is high. Of course there are things you can take to help. Infact I’ve got a box full of pills and potions to get through the day! But everyone re acts differently and you won’t know that unless you give it a go. You can always trial it and see.

For me, I’ll do anything to stop this from happening again.

You’re right in that I still don’t feel myself. But I’m not sure if I could ever go back to that person before all this madness started.

Sue xx

Dear Sheri

i read your post and really feel for your situation. You have gone through so much already, I can see why you are considering your options given that the reoccurrence rate of an additional 4% is offset with various side effects and 5 years seems a long time.

Be kind to yourself, you are not being negative, take time to consider your options, You have been so courageous on your journey, don’t be rushed, you will make a considered judgement that is right for you.

