LICAP flap surgery on 15th

I was diagnosed with stage 2 hormone receptor positive cancer in my right breast at the end of January. I’m 35 and have 2 little boys aged 7 and 8. I’m due to have LICAP flap surgery and sentinel node biopsy this week on Friday. I was wondering if anyone else has had this type of surgery or similar and how well you recovered.
My boys are very boisterous and like to jump on me or run at me and I have told them about the surgery and that they will have to be careful with me but I know they will forget sometimes.


Hi kbarnes
I had a WLE, SNB & LICAP reconstruction at same time in March 2023.
I don’t know what I was expecting re recovery, but I have to say it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I thought.
Was sore for a week or so but did all my exercises. I have a bouncy little dog, not quite two little boys I know lol, but still loves jumping etc.
It took me a good month before I started back at the gym and walking the monster :paw_prints:
I’d say day by day, you know your body. A year on I’m still having few side effects from radiotherapy etc but breast is looking almost normal.
Good luck my lovely xx

Hi - I had WLE with LICAP and full node clearance done together in Feb 22. The recovery from surgery was better than I was expecting. I didn’t really know what to expect never having any surgery before :thinking:. The first couple of days I was more tired than anything (sore etc. ) I was up and about then following day, and managed to shower after a day or so. Please make sure you do your exercises - I think that really helps. After a few days I was well enough to go out for walks. My kids were 11 and 16 at the time, so past the stage of jumping on me :laughing:, and able to help with things like carrying washing upstairs and stuff when I couldn’t carry things easily. I would say if you have family offering to help - take it. Do you know if you are having a drain fitted? I did and that was the most awkward thing really, and what stopped me being able to do more stuff, being conscious of that the whole time. Good luck with your surgery, hope it all goes well.
Take time to look after yourself xx

Hi @kbarnes, we’re sending you our warmest thoughts ahead of Friday’s procedure.
We’re here if you need to talk anything through, before or after.