Life after cancer

Hi would be good to meet and chat with all who has been through breast cancer got through the treatment, but living alittle in fear whether it will return,

Only went for my routine check to be told I had 5 tumours in the one breast had a lumpectomy and a year of treatment, 

only now having to take toxmifen tablet, for the next 4 years, 

i am a very positive person but must admit has made me look at life differently because of the shock,

look forward to hearing back 




I am assuming from your message that you have primary BC and looking for support about hiw to live after your treatment has finished. Your post is actually in the secondary BC part of the forum so you may not get many replies from ladies in a similar position to yourself. If you look At the the front page of the forum there is a section called Moving forward after Breast Cancer. If you posted the same comments on there I’m sure you will get more replies.

Good luck
