Hi i used to come on here a lot and sometimes just update things. I have now reached my 5 years after being diagnosed with grade 3 6 nodes, double mastectomy, chemo ovaries removed so meno at 38 and double reconstruction. And life is good still well now enjoying single life at 41 i have 3 young children unfortunately me and my husband didnt make it. Just wanted you guys out there to hear something postive and even if your prognosis isnt brillant as mine wasnt it can turn out well. k x
Congratulations on reaching the 5 year mark, this is something I hope for every day (I’ll be 3 years in October). Also glad to hear your life is good, despite the adversity. I feel blessed for every day I get up and am feeling well and positive about taking the day on. My life took a very different path from the one I was on prior to my diagnosis and I’m pleased to say it is a good path, so I hope I will be lucky enough to enjoy it. I turned 48 a couple of weeks ago and hope to see 50 as I would have my 25th anniversary, my 50th birthday and the end of my remission in that order. All the best for the future.
Thanks so much for your post it does help to hear good outcomes xx Eileen
Congratulations Blonde000 on reaching your 5 year mark. I reached 4 years in March this year and am looking forward to 5 years and, like all of us, many more years ahead. Life does change considerably after diagnosis but for me the most important change has been to make me appreciate every new day, whatever it holds, and not to take life for granted any more. Best wishes for the future.
Congrats on all these happy stories. Thank you for sharing them. I have just started rads and have been feeling very “what’s the point” and “it won’t work” etc. It’s good to hear some good news!
Yeh -life is good!
I’m only one year on from my diagnosis but have already re-assessed my life. Work is no longer top priority and I have negogiated a really good severance package from work.
I feel good and am looking forward to early retirement. Have booked flights for 99p for September. Last year I was looking at the flowers in the gardsen and wondering if I would see them again this year!!!
I am not going to waste any energy on worrying about things over which I have no control.
Mal x
Absolutely the right thing to do! I am 2 years on from dx, treatment finished March last year. I went back to work and (despite the chemo brain fog!)just couldn’t see the point in what I was doing anymore. It all seemed so trivial after going through a period when we weren’t sure I would even live.
So… I did the same as you and negotiated a good early retirement deal (I was only 51 at the time) and I finished at the end of 2008. I have never looked back! I am always busy never bored and I take every opportunity to do all the things I never had time for before. I love every minute.
Enjoys yours and make the most of it all.
Thanks Jo
It’s good to hear that you’re enjoying your retirement. I am so looking forward to mine. It’s now ‘me’ time! I keep telling the girls at work that I’ll email photos of all the great places we’re going to.
I’m not stupid and know that BC can recur at any time but want to make the most of our retirement.
Just looking forward to doing what I want to do - like you.
Onwards and upwards!
Thanks to all for the postings. I’m only half way through my treatment and getting very low so good to hear some positive outcomes.
Elinda x