Life aint been know Crystal Stairs

This is hard to wrap my head around… Just saying I have TNBC seems unreal to me.
This is HARD and I’m AFRAID… I finally retired after 30 years. My child is grown and I THOUGHT I would’ve had the Freedom to really live just for me take care of just me…Worry about just me…Then this…I consider myself a strong person but this now…I’m tired of always having to fight…I just wanted peace and freedom for a change… I was just going to do nothing and live whatever bit of normal life I have left… I really dont want to go through Chemo…I hate pain. I just dont think I can do this. Is this selfish of Me? Or is this normal?


I’m not in the same boat but yes it’s normal. You’ve worked hard and given your all - quite natural to think that this would be your time now and even more natural to be afraid . And nobody wants to have their life turned upside down or be faced with difficult treatments. I’m so sorry that it hasn’t worked out as you had hoped but although it may not feel this way at the moment there’s no reason to think that you won’t get through this and have some life left . In 2023 I was at Love Supreme Festival on the English South coast watching Candi Staton and just before her final track she said that she had been diagnosed with with TNBC 4 years previously and at the time she didn’t know how she would get through it or if she would be able to sing let alone tour again. Yet there she was launching into You’ve Got The Love. I’m not sure if if this is what you want to hear right now but I found it inspiring and so have others . She credited God her family music and her fans for helping her get through it. Everyone thinks that they can’t do it but you’re obviously a strong lady and I’m betting that you can. You don’t have to feel strong or brave or positive you just have to get through it a day at a time xx

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