Life insurance cost

I was diagnosed in 6th October with DCIS and underwent a mastectomy on Thursday with results in 10 days time which will hopefully no need for further treatment. Also in this time my partner sold his house (we both live there) and offered on another house which will be my first mortgage. I’m 28, not having had life insurance I’m aware I will need to declare my treatment but not sure what to expect for cost of premiums and things. Being a teacher sick pay is great and get a death in service amount but want to make sure we can still survive comfortabley in our new house. Thanks M x x x

Hi Michelle. I’m older than you but recently remortgaged. I don’t have either Critical illness or life insurance. The first was prohibitively expensive and the latter I didn’t explore. I have local government death in service. Although morbid, I know this would cover my share of our mortgage, if anything should happen, so it felt enough. I’m lucky also to have sick pay and know that half pay covers my monthly costs (current bitter experience!). I should probably add I will make a good recovery and hope to be back to work in January. This seemed to be enough reassurance for the mortgage company. They were aware I had a different cancer 5 years ago (unrelated to this one), but they don’t know about current diagnosis, as it happened after remortgaging. Good luck and can you let us know if you are successful with life insurance? Xx