Hi all.im 40 years old just over 3 years have passed since my diagnosis and I need life insurance. Does anyone know of any likely companies that might be able to help as most of the well known companies want 5 clear years.
hi im jude im 35 and a brca1 carrier i have insurance but its only a cancer cover insurance as im high risk of breast and ovarian c
its a company called american life insuranc company and they have a wellwoman plus policy to cover all cancers its great peace of mind to have it incase i get the big c and if you dont make a claim through your 15years of cover you get all your money back
hope thats of some help all the best jude
I have pm’d you.
Sally x
Hi F1Fan
Just wondering if you managed to get Life Cover after 3 years? If so, who was it with? Did they cover the BC, and were the premiums high?
Thanks in advance
Hi Lolly73, the cheapest i fund this year 2 1/2 yrs on was Marks and spencer they covered the cancer. An example of cost within the first year of diagnosis it cost me £200 to cover everything to travel to Greece for one wk!. After 1 yr it cost £100 for the same. This year i managed to get an annual policy for £160 which was a great improvement. In yr one i was quoted £1000 to go to New York for a week!! Suffice to say i still havent been. It will defo get cheaper year on year, I however are back at year 0 as I have a new primary diagnoised in Aug 2009 - oh well, back to travelling in Europe again!
Hope you found this helpful, Take care
Hi F1Fan
Sorry to hear you have a new primary
I havent had any trouble finding travel insurance, its life insurance that im interested in finding out about. If you have any advice please let me know.
Sorry lolly73, I must have chemo brain already and ive only just started again!! Life ins i found to be very difficult. Most firms would noT even entertain it until 5 clear years but i am lead to believe that if you contact some cancer charities they can put you in touch with some companies which are more sympathetic. Havent tried myself what with new diagnosis but if you have any luck please let me know. Take care.