My mum has secondary breast cancer (in lungs) and feels she has come to the end of the road with NHS treatments (after 4 failed chemos and 2 radios). She has done some research into alternative therapies the Liongate and Dove clinics but I wondered if anyone on here has direct experience of either?
They live in Kent so the Liongate Clinic would be ideal but her consultant seems sceptical. Anyone have any advice on particular alternative treatments they’ve found successful? (or ineffective?)
I’ve read your posts on the Family and Friends forum and am sorry to hear what’s happening to your mum.
The Liongate and Dove Clincis are both at the ‘respectable’ end of alternative/complementary treatment centres. Both are registered with the Health Commission and subject to regular inspections which you can read on line.
Alternative centres such as these claim to offer a ‘holistic’ approach to cancer. They also use ‘treatments’ such as high dose Vitamin C and whole body hyperthermia (not sure what that is!) In such centres there is often a focus on counselling and the spritiual aspects of being ill with cancer.
I am sceptical of unproven treatments and do not think that anything on offer at these clinics will either cure cancer or prolong life. There is no scientific evidence to suggets that they do. But they may provide a comforting place for your mother.
I can understand your mum’s reluctance to endure more chemotherapy. Chenmotherpay also does not cure secondary cancer although it can bring about temporary remission…long or short, and also provide relief from symptoms. At the end of the day the treatments we decide to take is to an extent a reflection of what we believe.
You sound like you are being really supportive of your mum’s choices which is great, but I think you should be aware that her decision to go to these clinics rather than have more conventional treatment will not cure her, though she may feel happier.
Hi Jane, thank you very much for your sympathy and advice!
I know that these complimentary treatments will not cure her, I think she does too - just wants to feel better. I know they’re expensive too, but it doesn’t seem like she has many options - either to have even more chemo (with a minimal chance of success but maximum side effects), try out these alternative things, or sit back and wait for the inevitable. I’m quite sceptical about alternative therapies too - but she wanted me to post to see what people on here think.
Thanks again for the advice, anyone else have any opinions?
In her situation, if it makes her feel in control, then go for it. The two clinics you are looking at are unlikely to do any harm and the treatment she receives may well make her feel better in herself.
Unfortunately she’s been pretty unwell in this last week and is now going into a hospice They say it will only be for a week or so to get her medication sorted out, but not sure if this is just to lighten the blow. Either way, it’s not a great surprise and she needs to go - she’s lost a stone in 2 weeks cos she has no appetite, and her drugs are making her so dopey.
Fingers crossed they sort her medication out and she gets to come out - they decided on the Dove clinic and she is booked for next week, but I think it’s fairly unlikely she’ll be well enough for it (it’s a 2 week course and a 3 hour drive from kent, though they were planning to stay down there.)
I am sorry - it is an awful situation all round. I do so hope they manage to get her stable again and that she can take up her place. Keep us informed.