Lisa's brain mets update

Like everyone else, I am following your posts and wish you all well on Sunday - I will be thinking of you and Lisa.



I have also being following your thread and also wish you all the very best for Sunday - I will be thinking of Lisa and her family at these hard times.



Like everyone just wanted to say will be thinking of you Lisa and families and wishing you all the luck in the world for Sunday.



Hello Sue

I wish you the best for Sunday and I will be thinking of you all.



I too have followed this thread with great sadness at the terrible time you are going through.
I hope that you all find the strength to get through Sunday. Wishing you and Lisa all the best.


Thank you everyone. Lisa feeling a little better this morning despite having to go for her Zoladex injection. She is sitting quietly. We are sure that the hot flushes she is getting are making the pressure in her head worse. Have found that her op on Sunday is second so we now don’t have to be there until 9.30 at least that will give Lisa a little but more time to get herself ready seeing as we have an hours journey first and she is very slow in the mornings.
Thanks Liz for the website … interesting. Wish we lived in the States. If I thought they could save her life I would find the money to get there though. At least reading sites like that it prepares us for questions for our Drs.
Sue x

My thoughts will be with you on Sunday. Please remember to look after yourself as Lisa will need you even more when she is recovering from her op

Hi Sue,
I’ll be thinking of Lisa on sunday. Please make sure you look after yourself too, she will be in sae hands in ICU.
Take care

You’re a brave mum and she’s a brave daughter.

I hope it all goes as well as it possibly can for you all and that after the op on Sunday she has a much much longer run of healthy life than anyone expects possible. We can hope, and I certainly will do.

I’m 33 and have just had bilateral mastetomy so he story is very close to my heart. It’s not fair, but life isn’t, it’s just random says my fiance.

I will try and stay positive for her on Sunday and send some of my strength her way.

The best of luck to you all.

Just wanted to say that I too will be thinking of both you and Lisa tomorrow and in the following days, Sue.

Kay x

May I just add my best wishes and hope that all goes well on Sunday.


And I’m sending you and Lisa love and strength for tomorrow.

Marilyn xx

Will be thinking of you all tomorrow Love Eileen

Just wanted to add that I shall be thinking of you all tomorrow, sending you love and strength.

God bless,

Tracy xxx

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow. Lisa is in my prayers.


I just wanted to say that i will be thinking of you all on Sunday.

Sending you strength and love



Just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers are with you all tomorrow.

love jenny xxx

Hi there,
Really hope everything goes as well as it can tomorrow. At least the waitning is nearly over. Southampton have a good reputation - i really hope they can do some amazing stuff for you both.

Hi Sue and Lisa
Just wanted to add that my thoughts will be with you and your family on Sunday. As vertangie said your both so brave.
Take care
Liz x

Dear Sue and Lisa. It’s the middle of the night here in Australia, and I think that Lisa will be having her operation about now. You will know how many of us are thinking of you and hoping that the operation goes well and that you can get through this nightmarish time. My mum had a brain tumour removed at Southampton Hospital (benign but huge), and I have a real mental picture of the intensive care unit there. The staff were wonderful, and I am sure they will really care for you both. We will all be just waiting now to hear how you are. Love Sarah xx