Lisa's brain mets update

Hi Lisa and Sue

My thoughts are with you and your families today hope all goes well



You are such wonderful people … it is now Sunday afternoon and I have to ring later about Lisa. She went down for op about 12.30 and I was told it was going to be a long op as the tumour is very large … also very near the bit that controls speech etc I watched my beautiful girl who looked so frightened and with tears in her eyes, being taken down to the theatre, until the lift doors closed and then I broke down but we came back home (to Bournemouth) because they said it would be evening before they could give us any news. I am in a bit of a state but trying to bear up and be as calm and optimistic as pos. . I will let you all know later what the news is.
How lovely to hear from Oz, Sarah… I have relations there … in Sydney and about an hour outside Sydney … also lots of friends in the same area.
Love ( a very screwed up) Sue x

Dear Sue

So many people will have been thinking of you and Lisa today. Should think this waiting is absolute hell for you - hope you have plenty of support for yourself (rather than you supporting everybody else as we mums tend to do!).

Will continue to think of you, hoping and praying that all is going well.

Lots of cyber hugs

Kay x

Dear Sue,
I have been thinking of you and your beautiful daughter since early morning. You last post brought tears to my eyes. The agony you must be going through watching this happen to your child doesn’t bear thinking about. You have every right to feel ‘screwed up’ at the moment .
My thoughts and best wishes for a successful operation go to you both.

I am thinking about you and sending all my love and support



Just want to send heartfelt love and warmth to you all and will be saying a prayer for Lisa and the family tonight.


Dear Sue - This must have been the longest day for you. I guess by now you will be back at the hospital. My home was also in Bournemouth, so I am very familiar with that journey back and forth to Southampton Hospital. You have long days and nights ahead of you, please please make sure you get adequate rest, and don’t forget to eat and keep up your strength. I hope you have as much support from people “in the flesh” as you have from all of us here. We are thinking of you and will continue to do so through all the days to come. Love from me here in Canberra. Sarah x

Hi Sue
I was looking out for news of you and Lisa today of all days, and here we are, im so saddened to hear this about Lisa, my heart and thoughts are with you,Lisa and your family.Oh Sue you have all been through so much already this last year with so much positivity, I remember reading your threads about Lisas post op recovery and how up you all were being and how encouraged I was . Well try to keep that going, its admirable and know that I am thinking of you, and wishing Lisa a good recovery from this operation. Wishing you a massive heartfelt hug and cuddle to keep you going through these next few days. Please let us know how you both are,
Lots of love Julie xxxxx

Hi Sue, so good to hear from you. Hope Lisa is doing ok now. All my Love, Teacup xx

Thank you everyone … so comforting to know so many of you are there. I have started new thread about Lisa’s op.
Hi Julie … yes its all been a very big shock seeing as she was doing so well and thinking of going back to work after Easter. The headaches started about 5 weeks ago and its all been downhill very fast since then.
Love to all
Sue xx