Lithium and dcis

Hi this is my first post. Had a mammogram about a month ago they found a small DCIS, 4mm, did needle biopsy, its high grade but small.  Appt with consultant on Thursday to talk about treatment.

I take 600 mgs of lithium (priadel) daily for bi polar and am concerned this may have affected the growth of the DCIS  I have found one piece oF info on the net saying that there is some evidence that estrogen receptive breast cancer  cells can respond to lithium.  My knowledge is very little at the moment and will ask consultant but has anyone else had any experience of bi polar /lithium and breast cancer?



Just forgot to say how brilliant am finding breast cancer care and this forum, its such early days and  I am very glad to have found the DCIS so early I rang Breast Cancer Care a couple of days later and its been such a support to know you are there.

Just one thing reading all the posts its quite hard to understand all the abbreviations, maybe there is a key to them somewhere ?




























Hi alrojolin,

I’m pleased you are finding these forums helpful.

The terms and abbreviations are very confusing.  Here’s a link that might help

Very best wishes


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