Little red spot

Hi lovelies - looking for a little advice before I bother the lovely breast care nurses.
I had a mastectomy 7 months ago - picked up on screening Grade 1 stage 1 multi centric lobular/ductal and now on tamoxifen 5 years (post menopause). I saw a little spot over the weekend and as usual jumped the gun and panicked - there’s no puckering no lump just a tiny red spot that my husband says is “just a spot” however me being the over-thinker ive gone straight to recurrence! (Daft I know but I can’t help it).
It’s about an inch from the end of the mastectomy scar near the sternum. Not itchy not bothering me but it’s there.
Anyone else had this and it was nothing?
update: I rang the nurses they can’t see me until after my holiday so fingers crossed it goes away in the next 3 weeks)


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Cherry hemangiomas, also known as cherry angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, are small, bright red, dome-shaped bumps that appear on the skin.

Look up pictures and see if what you have looks like this. Anyway I have tons. Associated with aging. They don’t have to be dome shaped either. Some I have look like slight freckles. Anyway they’re just made up of blood vessels.

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I would say the same as Kay0907. I’ve had mastectomy and diep flap recon. I have got lots of these over both boobs and they’re like little bright red needle prick spots. More an age thing I think as I seem to get more as time goes on. If you look them up on images it may put your mind at ease💜

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Thank you lovelies x

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If you look up dr Liz o’ riordan on Instagram , she has photos of what a local recurrence looks like .
She had a mastectomy and had one .

Thanks klf I looked at Liz’s images and her area seemed to grow rapidly over 5 days- the images sent me into a spin a bit . Thankfully mine looks like it’s getting less red and smaller (albeit it was tiny to begin with) each day so I’m taking that as good news and the likelihood that it is/was a spot . X
Jeez this cancer malarkey is a journey isn’t it!

That’s good news that it isn’t the same . I’m only a few weeks post radiotherapy but I know of I spot anything ( literally ), I will be on to medical team .
I’m so sorry this has happened near your holiday , just what you don’t need xx

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