Little slice of normality

Well it’s Saturday night on a bank holiday weekend and I’ve decided to allow myself a sliver of normality before the next step…

I’m due to start chemotherapy on 5 September. I just feel like since finding out the diagnosis I havent been me at all. It’s all been cancer this, cancer that…it’s like I dont exist anymore and Im just a ball of disease. So…I’ve had a pamper session, done my hair and tan, bought a few low alcohol beers and I’m just going to sit with my husband listening to music and indulging in a couple of drinks. I know it will only be a couple as I know it has to be moderation but just for one night I want to sit with a beer in my hand and feel like the world is as it always was before this codswallop.

Anyway, cheers to you all, wishing you a healthy and happy weekend!


@sharlou Strangely enough I had similar thoughts earlier today! We have our own business which is open on a Saturday but we are closed Sunday and Monday and I’m determined to try and feel normal over those 2 days! I need a break from my over thinking brain! Hope you have a lovely evening xx



GO GIRL GO, hopefully a great weekend for you. and a little dance to the music. ENJOY

Wishing you, well with happiness ahead

Love and hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:


Go Girl ! It does seem to take-over your life, but think of the ending. I had a celebration / belated 60th party afterwards, got all the people together that supported me. I wish you well. x


That sounds like a wonderful idea. I had two periods of chemo with a mastectomy in between. During the first lot, I didn’t do anything else but during the second lot, I planned trips and treats for my good weeks and it made such a difference to my morale and my ability to make it through. xxx


I feel this post very much! :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: it’s my bday next week & I’m meant to be in Italy RN but instead I’m recovering from a SMX & ANC ready to start chemo on 3rd Sept! I’ve decided to have a normal (ish) weekend with my husband & toddler and beers on the beach at my favourite pub on my birthday! I hope you had a lovely evening xxx


Ah such a shame about your holiday! Italy is my dream destination but I’ve never been - I think I will treat myself when this is all over!

We are only two days apart for chemo, what is your schedule? I am having 8 cycles fortnightly - 4 EC and then 4 paclitaxel. I kind of just want to get on with it but the hair loss worry is getting me down a bit.

Hope you have a fab birthday and make the most of those beers! Xx

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I’m 12 x weekly sessions of paclitaxel then 4 bi-weekly sessions of EC. It is a LOT & much more than I was expecting

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@sharlou have you thought about cold capping? I’ve just done 12x weekly paclitaxel and still have most of my hair, the top looks like Mo Mowlem but I feel like having some fringe and a pony tail sticking out of my cap or hairband makes me feel much less conspicuous and cancery so I’m glad I tried it. Giant hot chocolate as soon as the cap goes on is my top tip for fending off brain freeze. Best of luck with your chemo x

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Hi Kaydee, yes I’m going to have a bash at cold capping. I suffer from migraines so I’m a bit worried I won’t be able to stick it out but I’m going to try my absolute best as I’m desperate to hang on to as much hair as possible. Thanks for the hot choc tip - I’m not a fan of it, but a giant cappucino should do the trick :hugs: xx


I did something similar. We went to a hotel for an overnight stay and dinner and I indulged in 3 cocktails!!! For around 4 hours I felt like the “real me”
Cancer, your next appointment and what that may bring along with the twinges from a mastectomy, reconstruction and lymph node clearance seem to take over. But girls, I’m doing everything I can to remind myself of who I really am


Hello from a newbie to this gtoup and I also start chemo on 5th September, bloods and heart echo being all well.

I can relate to the cancer overload, its been overwhelming at times. The periods of normality are ones to treasure.

Wishing you all the best, I have a tour of the chemo unit tomorrow and bloods taken. Im looking forward to meeting the team and find out more about everything.

Knowledge is power :muscle:


Welcome to the club none of us want to be in! I had my echo done this week, booked in for bloods on Tuesday when they fit my picc line (yak). I’m just impatient for it to start now so I know what I’m up against! Best of wishes to you too :hugs:

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@sharlou Glad I’m not the only one who is feeling :nauseated_face: about a PICC line. Swore I would never get one. Mine is booked in for Monday. Shit is starting to feel very real now 🫨

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@sunshineandunicorns it really is! This time next week the first one will be over…

Ugh, the picc line. I was determined not to have one too, but the oncologist didn’t give me a choice. It’s for the best I suppose as cannulas destroy my hand but there’s something about the picc line that just makes me feel ewwwwwwwww :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Best decision I made was to have one. Buy some nice PICC line covers & waterproof sleeve for bathing/showering. Drink loads of water before it is fitted - helps to have well hydrated veins. Pain free procedure.

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I’ve had 21 cold-capping sessions of paclitaxel and still have a reasonable amount of hair albeit it looks like a cross between Worzel Gummidge and Grayson Perry😂 but hey I’m glad to have hair at all. My tip for cold capping is buy a battery powered heated gilet, Amazon has loads and not too pricey. Mine keeps me nice and cosy, it’s been a real game changer.

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How strange, I’ve used Worzel Gummidge in an analogy this morning too!:rofl: I tolerated the cap quite well to be fair, which makes me worry it wasn’t fitted enough - the crown of my head didn’t seem as cold as the rest. Top tip on the gilet - I’ll have a look!

@annieg1 Thanks for the tip! It wasn’t as bad an experience as I was expecting, although the line kept wanting to go up into my neck so I had to tuck my chin into my collar bone to block it! I’m slowly getting used to it, although it’s sore today after treatment yesterday. I’m going to order some snazzy covers for it :rofl: