Live chat 23 April - 9 to 10pm

Hi all

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may find sharing your worries with other’s in a similar situation helps. Every thursday for 1 hour between 9pm and 10pm BCC hold a live chat session where you are able to talk about your concernss.

There is an expert breast care nurse and a trained facilitator present to run the session. If you have breast cancer and would like to join then you need to be registered on the forums. Then at 9.00 p.m. just go to type in your user name and password and join the chat.

I am trying to join live chat but keep getting message ‘wrong room key’ is there a problem with the site. I have a question I would really like answered before I go to bed. Pauline (mommyw)

Just had the same problem! very annoying, could have done with a chat!

I am having the same trouble… glad it’s not just me… I thought my PC was playing up!

trying to get on live chat to, and cant!!

wonder whats wrong!

Had my first CMF today and have a small problem that I hoped that the BCC might help me with. Not sure how to contact them other than chat. Any ideas. Pauline

Hi All

Sincere apologies, we are having problems with tonight’s chat. Some technical problems and the nurse and facilitator are unable to get in either.

We are therefore, unfortunately, having to cancel the chat this evening.

Apologies again.


thats a shame, was hoping to get to chat to you all. hope to speak next week. take care everyone xx


glad it is not me, lol

Hi Louise. Sorry chat is cancelled. Is there any chance you could send me an e-mail so that I can contact you in private and ask your advice. Thanks Pauline (mommyw)

what a shame! same time next week girls, take care! love Debs xxx

Hi Pauline (mommyw)

If you have a medical question may I suggest you give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000, the lines will open again at 9am tomorrow morning. You can also email your question to our ‘ask the nurse service’, which you can find details of at:-

I am sorry about the live chat technical problems and hope this helps.

Best wishes
Sam (BCC Facilitator)