If you have breast cancer, then would you like to come online and talk to others in the same situation?
Every week we run a live chat session from 9.00-10.00 in the evening. There is an expert breast care nurse and a trained facilitator present to run the session.
Currently having chemo half way there and 3 to go then rads. I am so shocked at how many women have or had breast cancer… can I ask do they know what is causing this I have no history and I know it is a combination of things but surely there is something wrong where there are so many women who have contracted it?
Hi i was dx with breast cancer last Friday 26 Oct and on Monday i have a phone call to go to see the oncologist at the hospital and i had my bloods done,tomorrow i go for my pre chemo checks ,if you could tell me what exactly to expect and Monday the 5th of Nov i get my first of 3 x FEC and then after that i will get 3 x TAXOTERE .
All of this has taken less than a month from i spoke to my doctor ,is this just a brilliant service or is the tumour bigger than what i think?
and the forum is an absolute tops place for help with worries.
Hi , i have recently finished my treatment and now feel at a loose end, as before i felt that my life was taken up with hospitals !!! and sometimes i get a bit weepy for no reason do others feel like this ?