Live chat

hi. I have tried for the last two weeks to connect with live chat, I have managed to log on, say hello but then nothing else. Anyone else having trouble. I really would love to chat to ‘old’ friends. Pauline (mommyw)

Hi there,

Sorry you’re having problems with live chat, I’ll pass it on to the necessary people.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Thanks Jo. I had a message from Bertie, used the link but still could no join you. I managed to log on but there were no messages and I could not send one. Hope it can be sorted as I found live chat really helpful when I joined you some time ago.

Hi mommy w …hope you are ok …been wondering how you are x

i have trouble too
i can chat for a few mins then it chucks me out and all i can do is read as i type and send messages but they dont appear lol

Hi Ladies

Sorry that you are having problems with live chat. I know that you are using the correct link, but it may be the settings on your computer which are causing your problems.

I am one of the facilitators for live chat (Abbey), and I had a similar problem recently. I could log in but my posts weren’t showing.

Unfortunately, it may well be a problem which Breast Cancer Care cannot resolve (they are still working on whether it is a fault with the system). If you get the opportunity, perhaps try adjusting the settings on your computer to see if that helps.

I do hope you can resolve things.

Kind regards.
